The Leadership of Fools - Conclusion

Written by Brett Baker   
Friday, 24 August 2012 06:45

We now come to George W. Bush a Texas Republican whose very close family ties with the bin Laden family has already been clearly stated. I think the best place to start with Bush 43 is the USA PATRIOT Act which was signed into law by Bush on 26 October 2001, a whole 45 days after 9/11. The USA PATRIOT Act really only takes the rights away from Americans, it doesn’t do much to combat Muslim terrorists. I might have viewed it differently if all the provisions in the Act were aimed at Muslims, but they are equally if not overtly aimed at us, Americans. As previously stated in my treatise titled, “The Purpose of the U.S. State Department,” I clearly showed how the PATRIOT Act could easily label an American a ‘terrorist’ for protecting himself, just as an officer of the law or military personnel could be labeled as such. Section 411, Subparagraph B, Clause (iv) states, “Engage in terrorist activity means, in an individual capacity or as a member of an organization—“(I) to commit or incite to commit, under circumstances indicating and intention to cause death or serious bodily injury, a terrorist activity.” When you consider all of the terrorists on 9/11 were Muslim and the majority of them were from Saudi Arabia, the fact that there is absolutely no reference to delineate and connect terrorist or terrorist activity to Muslims is absurd. No new law is necessary to act against American’s who engage in criminal activities, as there are already a multitude of laws on the books and procedures in place to deal with that problem. The USA PATRIOT Act was designed, with speedy intent, to take away the rights of Americans. Now an American cannot go to an airport and get on a plane without being probed and fondled by the TSA, of course if you walked up wearing a burqa, they wave you right through. How does this help to prevent terrorism?

Next I would like to talk about the failed reasoning for the invasion of Iraq. While I personally believe Bush 41 should have ordered troops to finish Saddam and his henchmen while they were there the 1st time, I cannot figure out why we were there the 2nd time. There were no WMD in Iraq and they all knew it. Please don’t believe me, go and purchase Charles Duelfers book, “Hide and Seek: The Search for Truth in Iraq.” Mr. Duelfer was the head of the U.S.-led ISG in Iraq after Dr. Kay resigned. Both stated there were no WMD in Iraq. An article on MSNBC stated, “In his final word, the CIA’s top weapons inspector in Iraq said Monday that the hunt for weapons of mass destruction has “gone as far as feasible” and has found nothing.” In other words, there was no just cause for the invasion, unless you want to call getting Saddam for his daddy-Bush 41 ‘just cause.’ If you remember, CNN reported Bush’s reasoning for the invasion, “Right now, Iraq is expanding and improving facilities that were used for the production of biological weapons.” Personally, this sounds like a president lying to the American public. Maybe he should have listened to Dr. Kay and Mr. Duelfer. Many good men got killed and many wounded and maimed as a result of his vendetta with Saddam who was a former CIA protégé.

I should touch on the national debt; of course I will revisit this issue with Hussein Obama. CBS News reported, “The national debt increased $4.9 trillion during the eight year presidency of George W. Bush.” This is a huge sum of taxpayer money. What I cannot figure out is why we didn’t take the Iraqi oil and force Afghanistan to pay for our troops in their respective countries. From 2003-2009 the Iraq War cost at least $684.8 billion according to the Congressional Research Service. They also state in another PDF on Pakistan foreign assistance, which gives the amount of a transfer of $600 million right after Sept. 2001, and beginning in 2005 for a 5 year, $600 million per year amount totaling $3.6 billion, and beginning in 2007 a 5 year $750 million deal for the tribal areas. Aid for Afghanistan from 2001-2009 was nearly $38 billion also according to Congressional Research Service. Of course this isn’t all the money that was spent in these three locations, but it gives an idea of what the Bush Administration was doing with our taxpayer dollars, which means ‘our money.’ Just the figures above total nearly $728 billion. It’s not hard to see how the deficit increased $4,900,000,000,000 in an eight year time frame.

The eight years of illegal immigration (or invasion) during the Bush Administration is a good topic. According to End Illegal Immigration, “Bush’s administration saw a marked increase in illegal immigration and a drop in immigration enforcement…illegal aliens arrested in workplace cases fell from nearly 3,000 in 1999 to 445 in 2003.” The report goes on to state, “Not surprisingly, by 2005, there were an estimated 10-20 million illegal aliens living in the United States.” I’ve touched on this issue before in another treatise, but I’ll briefly go at it again. The article by Dr. Corsi Ph.D. starts out, “Despite having no authorization from Congress, the Bush administration has launched extensive working-group activity to implement a trilateral agreement with Mexico and Canada.” So what exactly does that mean? What is a trilateral agreement with no Congressional oversight? It means, Bush and his cronies are secretly attempting to create a new nation; a North American Union. NAFTA negotiations began in 1986 during the Reagan-Bush Administration and it was signed and came into force in 1994 during the Clinton Administration. According to Dr. Corsi, “The Security and Prosperity Partnership…signed by President Bush, Mexican President Vicente Fox and then-Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin in Waco, Texas, March 23, 2005.” Dr. Corsi further states, the agreement was, “Not submitted to Congress for review, led to the creation of the SPP office within the Department of Commerce.” Apparently there has been absolutely no Congressional oversight, there has been no bill from the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and there is nothing about this that isn’t a secret. And government wonders why we don’t trust them. Not that there is a connection, but a lot of ugly things seem to happen in Waco, Texas. If our so-called leaders are attempting to destroy the United States and form a North American Union, then these so-called leaders are guilty of treason. But I guess we’ll just have to wait and see what happens.

Before we sum this up, let’s talk about Tora Bora. As we all know Tora Bora was a CIA financed complex built in the White Mountains barely 20 miles from the Pakistan border. The CIA knew every trail which led through the area. During the early 1980’s (Reagan/Bush Administration), at least $3 billion was used to finance and arm the Mujahedeen to fight the Soviets. Osama bin Laden actually had the equipment flown in to the area from his father’s construction company, the Saudi Binladen Group. While the Bush Administration did order the bombardment of the area in December of 2001, what strikes me as most curious is the fact that the U.S. government actually knew a great deal about Tora Bora. After all, the CIA financed the entire operation and was more than just familiar with the area. If you consider these facts, why weren’t the U.S. troops given the information so they could go into each and every cave after the bombardment took place? Perhaps there were some changes made to the structure, but the general design was no different. According to a New York Times article, “A mile below, at the base of the caves, some three dozen U.S. Special Forces troops fanned out. They were the only ground forces that senior American military leaders had committed to the Tora Bora campaign.” If at least one of the objectives of the Afghanistan War was to kill Osama bin Laden, wouldn’t it have made more sense to pass on the intelligence from the CIA to maybe the Marine Corps or the Army and have an entire division go after bin Laden at Tora Bora? But it would seem as though the true purpose wasn’t to actually kill bin Laden or the Bush Administration would have made Tora Bora a much higher priority. Remember, not long before the Tora Bora campaign Bush 43 did make certain the bin Laden family in the United States was able to board an airplane and fly out of the United States safely while each and every American within the U.S. was not allowed to fly at all. There certainly is a very strange symbiosis between the Bush family and the bin Laden family that makes me uncomfortable.

I’m really not sure if I need to waste any more time with President Bush. As we have seen, the Bush family has a very close and inappropriate relationship with the bin Laden family. George W. Bush personally enabled the bin Laden family to fly out of the United States when all flights except military were grounded after 9/11. Why would he have done that? Was this to appease the Saudi terrorist friends of Bush’s family? I still cannot understand why they weren’t all hung from newly erected gallows outside the White House. There is the USA PATRIOT Act, which was done with such haste, it really only serves to strip the rights of U.S. citizens. Bush absolutely lied about the reasoning for invading Iraq; there were no WMD’s in Iraq and he knew this, but he invaded anyway. Bush also increased our national public debt by $4.9 trillion in eight years, but seemed to accomplish nothing of any real value that couldn’t have been accomplished with nuclear weapons at a much lower cost. Bush also failed to enforce existing immigration laws and refused to defend our southern border with Mexico, he set up secret trilateral agreements with Canada and Mexico without Congressional oversight or without any bill from the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Once again furthering his father’s NAFTA agenda just as he furthered his father’s agenda with regard to the bin Laden family. And as we have just seen Bush’s utter failure at Tora Bora, unless what happened was just a show for the American people and not a campaign really designed to kill Osama bin Laden. Either way, it would appear Bush 43 was very successful at what he did, although I consider his legacy to be nothing more than a complete and utter failure. Conclusion: Bush was an arrogant, deceptive and corrupt president whose malfeasance can easily be considered as stupid, criminal behavior.

When I was a boy I was told that anybody could become President; I’m beginning to believe it.

Clarence Darrow

And last but not least is Obama, aka Barry Soetoro, a Kenyan born, Illinois Democrat who by far is the worst president in the history of the United States of America. I say Kenyan born for a couple of reasons. One reason is because his wife, Michelle Obama was speaking about her husband and was quoted saying “Visited his home country in Kenya.” There is very little chance a man’s wife doesn’t know where his home country is, in this case Michelle Obama knows exactly where her husband’s home country is, and she stated it correctly, Kenya. The second reason I say Obama is a Kenyan is his birth certificate from the Coast General Hospital in Mombasa, Kenya. According to the report on WND, “California attorney Orly Taitz…has released a copy of what purports to be a Kenyan certification of birth and has filed a new motion in U.S. District Court for its authentication.” The report continues, “The document lists Obama’s parents as Barack Hussein Obama and Stanley Ann Obama, formerly Stanley Ann Dunham, the birth date as Aug. 4, 1961, and the hospital of birth as Coast General Hospital in Mombasa, Kenya.” Now I would consider both of these items to be extremely compelling. Obama’s wife says his home country is Kenya, and now a birth certificate from Kenya surfaces. What is most interesting is that it took nearly three (3) years for Obama to show his so-called birth certificate from Hawaii to the American people. Why the big deal?

Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 of the U.S. Constitution makes Obama ineligible to even be President of the United States. Opponents of the idea that Obama is a foreigner, stated in claim, “The Feb. 17, 1964, date for the document, explaining that the “republic” of Kenya wasn’t assembled until December of that year. – Media Matters wrote, ‘Sorry, WorldNetDaily: Kenya wasn’t a republic until Dec. 1964.’” However, according to a number of different sources, that isn’t actually the entire truth. According to WND, “At Ameriborn Constitution News, the researcher noted that the independence process for the nation actually started taking place as early as 1957, when there were the first direct elections for Africans to the Legislative Council.” The People Daily News Agency states, “Kenyan President Mwai Kibaki gives a speech during a celebration to mark the country’s 42nd independence anniversary in Nairobi, capital of Kenya Dec. 12, 2005. The country gained independence from Britain on Dec. 12, 1963.” According to BBC News Africa, “1963 – Kenya gains independence, with Kenyatta as Prime Minister. 1964 – Republic of Kenya formed. Kenyatta becomes president and Odinga vice-president.” According to, “The Constitution of Kenya was formed on 12th Dec. 1963.” While I could easily go on about the date, I think it is clear any official paperwork for and from the Republic of Kenya would be dated back at least as far as 1963.

We can’t talk about Hussein Obama without talking about Bill Ayers. As reported by David Horowitz in a piece entitled “Allies in War,” Mr. Horowitz states, “On the morning of the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon…I opened its pages…showing a middle-aged couple holding hands and affecting a defiant look at the camera. The article was headlined…‘No Regrets For A Love Of Explosives.’” Of course the photograph was of Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, both Ayers and Dohrn were members of the Weathermen, in other words, they were terrorists. Aside from being terrorists, both Ayers and Dohrn were and are partisans of Charles Manson, “Dig it. First they killed those pigs, then they ate dinner in the same room with them, they even shoved a fork into the victim’s stomach! Wild!” That was a statement from Dohrn when she was referring to the Manson family murders of Sharon Tate and her guests.

All that being said, Hussein Obama and Bill Ayers seem to have some common connections. According to the Washington Post, both “were members of the board of…the Woods Fund of Chicago, between 1999 and 2002…Ayers contributed $200 to Obama’s re-election fund to the Illinois State Senate in April 2001…[and] they lived within a few blocks of each other…and moved in the same liberal-progressive circles.” While this could simply be a random connection between the two, I have to say I don’t believe a Senator or a President for that matter should allow themselves to be associated with terrorists in any way shape or form. In the least this is an example of Obama’s poor judgment, at most it’s a disgraceful example of the type of individual Obama really is. But as we have previously seen with the Bush and bin Laden families, this happens far too often. Of course according to The Obama File, “In 1989, Obama was a summer intern at Michelle Obama’s law firm. One of Michelle’s co-workers was Bernardine Dohrn.” That law firm was Sidley & Austin. The report goes on to tell a, “Couple hosted a “meet and greet” for Obama at Ayers house in Hyde Park…where Obama now lives as a neighbor of Louis Farrakhan.” Later, in 1995, “Obama was the first Chairman of the Board of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge,” Bill Ayers was the co-founder of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge. And in 1997, “Ayers and Obama participated in a panel at the University of Chicago.” Lastly, according to the article, “Ayers, Dohrn and Obama …participated together at a conference entitled “Intellectuals: Who needs them?” Now what connections between Bill Ayers the terrorist and Hussein Obama do we have? We have the Woods Fund of Chicago, Ayers contribution to Obama’s re-election campaign for the Illinois State Senate, the close proximity with which they both lived, the liberal-progressive circles with which they both travelled, Obama’s working relationship at Sidley & Austin where Dohrn was a co-worker of Michelle Obama, the meet and greet at Ayers house, Obama’s chairmanship at Challenge where Ayers was a co-founder and their participation in the panel at the University of Chicago. It apparently is not coincidence that Ayers and Obama crossed paths. These two have had a longstanding relationship that dates back to at least 1989, that’s nearly a quarter of a century.

I’m not really certain there is a point to pointing out the multitudes of lies that have come out of Hussein Obama’s mouth, but I will point out at least a few. ABC news reported, “Sen. Barack Obama’s pastor says blacks should not sing “God Bless America” but “God damn America.” Those were the words from Jeremiah Wright, the pastor at Obama’s church, Trinity United Church of Christ. According to the article, Wright said “The United States brought on the 9/11 attacks with its own “terrorism.”” Of course, then Senator Obama stated, “I don’t think my church is actually particularly controversial.” That sounds like a very controversial statement to me. If you think about the statement, the person who said it and the people who listened, then you should understand what they want. While you could easily say we have a misguided foreign policy agenda which causes us endless problems (and it does), the bigger truth is, Hussein Obama is a Muslim or at least a Muslim sympathizer and he aligns himself with radicals and radicalism. The leadership of Islam not only appears to be, but is nothing more than a bunch of fanatics who want to kill the West and force their way of life and their religion on everyone of us. The unfortunate fact is, the U.S. government keeps kissing their behinds, and will continue their attempt to elevate Islam into something that they want to be considered mainstream. Until people realize this, the problem isn’t going to be solved. Even the founding fathers of this nation knew the Islamists wanted to kill anyone who didn’t conform to their belief system. In 1786, Adams and Jefferson met with Sidi Haji Abdul Rahman Adja, the Dey of Algiers who stated, “Islam was founded on the Laws of their Prophet, that it was written in their Quran, that all nations that should not have acknowledged their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as Prisoners.” This same belief is furthered by the motto of the Muslim Brotherhood, “Allah is our objective; the Prophet is our leader; the Quran is our law; Jihad is our way; dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope.” Obama and any other so-called leader in the U.S. who tells you that isn’t what Islam is about, obviously has a hidden agenda and objective. This is what the Muslim leadership says; we did not put these words into their mouths.

Let’s talk about Gitmo for a moment. On 22 January 2009, two days after Obama was sworn into office, “President Obama ordered the controversial prison camp at Guantanamo Bay closed within a year.” Today’s date is 21 August 2012 and according to a 17 August 2012 story on ABC News, “A federal judge voiced skepticism Friday about new government restrictions on lawyers’ access to detainees at Guantanamo Bay.” I cannot believe a federal judge would be skeptical about a new government restriction regarding a detainees bid to challenge their confinement with regard to the attorney’s access to their clients at Gitmo, if Gitmo were indeed closed. In fact it sounds like the prison at Guantanamo Bay Cuba is still up and running strong! I guess Obama figured if he couldn’t get them all transferred to Illinois, then he might as well leave them in Cuba where they belong. This is an obvious example of Obama lies. The prison at Guantanamo Bay suits Obama or he would have shut it down by now, the undeniable fact is it in some way benefits Obama to keep it open, he only thought it was a bad idea when Bush was in office. Apparently, this was just another Obama lie.

Libya is a subject Obama would have you believe is one he can put in the win column. I disagree with that idea. The United States didn’t have any business bombing Libya. The only thing it did was get rid of a dictator so he could be replaced with another, this time, one who will make Libya an Islamic republic complete with sharia Law. Qaddafi was undoubtedly a loser, but he was a loser who wasn’t making problems anymore. Now Libya is a lawless nation of fiefdoms at best. As of the 20th of January, 2012, Libya still has a massive stockpile of mustard gas. When you stop to consider many of the fighters who called themselves ‘rebels’ had just left places like Iraq, where they were fighting U.S. forces, it’s not hard to make the connection that they were al Qaeda and the Taliban. According to UPI, “The country still has to destroy 11.25 tons of mustard gas.” In other words, there are approximately 22,500 lbs of this stuff in Libya and as you have already guessed, “A team of Americans and Libyans” are guarding the stockpile. What is actually interesting, didn’t Obama say there would be no American boots on the ground in Libya? Aside from the obvious spotters for the bombing, now Al Arabiya states there were others there as well. I only point this out, because it is another one of Obama’s lies.

Since I have already made the connection between Bill Ayers and Obama, I don’t really see any point in going over it again. But I will say this, Obama did claim Ayers was, “A guy who lives in my neighborhood…He’s not somebody who I exchange ideas from on a regular basis.” This was an obvious lie. Obama and Ayers had a relationship that has lasted nearly 25 years. It isn’t possible to have so many connections to someone and simply refer to them casually as a guy in the neighborhood.

Why does Obama continually apologize for America? According to CNS News as well as Newsmax, Obama has apologized, “For America’s “arrogance” regarding countries Americans died to help free; To detainee terrorists interrogated by the CIA; For the accidental burning of the Korans; To Obamacare activist Sandra Fluke.” But the article also stated the apologies Obama didn’t make, “To Catholics forced by the government to violate their faith; To the family of border patrol agent Brian Terry murdered by Operation Fast and Furious guns; To families of American soldiers killed after Obama said he calmed things down in Afghanistan; To Israel, for saying it should return to its 1967 borders which would’ve subjected it to attacks; To American taxpayers forced to violate their religious beliefs and pay for abortion; For attending radical Rev. Wright’s church for years.” This all comes from a speech from Rep. Louis Gohmert of Texas in the House of Representatives. So what do we have? We have three apologies to Muslims and one to his own activist, but we have none to Americans or their families for governmental blunders (Fast & Furious) or to our closest ally in the Middle East, Israel. It’s one thing to apologize for something that we really screw-up, but it’s another thing to continually apologize for America like we’re some sort of idiots, which isn’t the case. If anything, the idiots are in the government; Obama should just start apologizing for himself. This isn’t humility on Obama’s part, it is utter weakness. Another thing Obama should remember is, when he apologizes, in effect he is apologizing for the people of this country. Personally, I don’t remember asking him to do that and I know a great deal of other Americans feel the same way. This is another example of a president thinking he is more than just a servant to the people. Both Obama and his wife have serious issues with the United States which the liberal media is more than willing to continually gloss over.

Maybe we should spend a moment talking about the national debt under Obama. While the national debt increased $4.9 trillion during eight (8) years of Bush, in just less than four (4) years of Obama the national debt has increased $5.4 trillion. In an article from CBS News on 22 August 2011 (today is 21 August 2012) the article states, “The national debt has now increased $4 trillion on President Obama’s watch…It’s the most rapid increase in the debt under any U.S. president.” Of course, Obama can only blame this on Bush. While Bush did increase the debt dramatically, Obama has increased the debt astronomically. Oddly enough, Obama has maintained most of what Bush was doing, even though he stated he was going to do away with what he considered Bush’s failures when he got into office. What we have seen is the failure of Obama himself. He has accomplished nothing, but he has taken credit for things he had nothing to do with at all. But one thing we know he has done is increased the national debt more than any other president in the history of the United States and in a much shorter period of time.

I simply cannot finish with Hussein Obama until I talk about how he and his administration leak information and his bragging about how he killed Osama bin Laden. For starters, Obama didn’t kill anyone. He may have given the orders, but he never pulled a trigger. His boasting only puts men in harm’s way who fight for the United States. According to a report from Reuters which I found on Yahoo News, “A group of former U.S. intelligence and Special Forces operatives…scolds President Barack Obama for taking credit for the killing of Osama bin Laden and argues that high-level leaks are endangering American lives.” The report further states, “Mr. President, you did not kill Osama bin Laden, America did. The work that the American military has done killed Osama bin Laden. You did not.” The report stated the man who said that was Ben Smith, a U.S. Navy SEAL. I don’t know about you, but personally, I believe the SEAL. Mr. Smith goes on to say, “As a citizen, it is my civic duty to tell the president to stop leaking information to the enemy…It will get Americans killed.” You can believe whomever you wish, President Hussein Obama or a U.S. Navy SEAL, the choice is yours. However, Mr. Smith is obviously a selfless man amongst other selfless men whose service to the nation can only be described as more than exemplary. His humility in stating that America killed bin Laden is a credit to the finest warriors the world will ever know. I believe Obama is nothing more than a blowhard, a fraud and a liar.

Another example as noted by The Lonely Conservative is Obama originally saying the surge in Iraq wouldn’t work but create sectarian violence, “Tonight we heard President Bush say that the surge in Iraq is working, when we know that’s just not true.” Of course the surge was working and it was what was probably needed from the beginning, enough troops to pound the enemy. That being said, Obama seems to take credit for any gains in Iraq, but Obama’s hasty withdrawal has only led to sectarian violence. In fact, Iraq is like a ticking time bomb that is ready to explode. Now Iran is able to influence the crazies who are there without fear of reprisal. Certainly, Obama has done nothing other than order the deaths of people around the globe. He has increased the number of countries the U.S. is operating in with regard to military operations. I can only imagine what his plan is, but I seriously doubt it will benefit the United States. One curious bit of information is, since Obama’s inauguration, in a report dated 4 April 2011, “Combat-related deaths that occurred since the Afghanistan war began in October 2001, about 64 percent happened in the two years since Obama took office.” That report was almost one year and 5 months ago. Obama’s leaking of information and bragging about exploits he didn’t do, plus lying about what is really happening as related to the surge in Iraq and the result of a hasty withdrawal is nothing but reckless.

There is no reason to continue with Hussein Obama. He has lied about where he was born, which was Kenya as shown on his Kenyan birth certificate and in his wife’s words. The part I didn’t mention was his Hawaii birth certificate, which must be a forgery, which is a crime. Arizona’s Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio has investigated that document and states it is a forgery. Obama has lied about his close relationship with terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn and has had a relationship with them for nearly 25 years. Another lie is Obama’s close association with the radical Rev. Jeremiah Wright. Wright is a man who hates the United States (probably as much as Ayers and Dohrn) and blames Americans for all the terrorism in the world, when the truth is the leadership of radical Islam promotes terrorism against everyone who isn’t Muslim. Which really makes Obama a Muslim sympathizer, but I believe he is a radical Muslim from the start. Obama lied again when he stated he was going to shut down the prison at Guantanamo Bay Cuba, but it is still operational and he seems to be just fine with the prison still being open now that he’s in office. Libya is another one of Obama’s fiascos. Nothing more was accomplished than opening the door for another Islamic State ruled by sharia Law. Plus his lies about no American boots on the ground in Libya, when we know there were spotters for the bombing raids as well as men guarding mustard gas stockpiles. Then of course we have Obama the Apologist, embarrassing himself and the United States whenever he apologizes for America to the Muslims, but he refuses to take responsibility for the death of agent Brian Terry or his Fast and Furious gun smuggling debacle. Obama has increased the national debt faster than any president in the history of the United States, $5,400,000,000,000 and he still isn’t done with the 4 year term he was illegally elected to serve. Obama has also taken intelligence leaks to a new low, which endanger U.S. troops, not to mention his outlandish claims that he killed Osama bin Laden. Obama even lied about the surge that Bush did in Iraq and stated it wasn’t working, when in fact, it was working. But Obama hastily pulled out of Iraq and now Iraq is just a powder-keg ready to explode rife with Iranian influence and God knows what else. And lastly, at least 64% of combat-related deaths in the entire Afghanistan War can be attributed to the incompetence of Obama and his administration, and that figure is from about 17 months ago. What else can possibly be said about this man? He is by far the worst thing to ever happen to the United States of America and he will continue to happily destroy us if he is given the chance. Conclusion: Obama is the most self-serving example of a president the nation has ever had. His actions are that of a spineless incompetent whose malevolent nature can only be described as cowardly and pathetic. This man is the definition of a corrupt politician whose criminal behavior plunges the definition of disgraceful to new depths with each waking moment. He is an embarrassment to himself and to the nation. The word malfeasance doesn’t even come close to defining his acts of utter shame which have violated the public trust, and are only surpassed by his complete lack of moral fiber. Obama is a hypocrite and a prevaricator whose façade is a mere illusion, when in reality he is a nightmare.

What does all of this say about our elected leaders, in this case the Presidents of the United States, over the last fifty years? I can’t help but think that each and every president has forgotten they are merely servants of the people of this great nation. I also can’t help but think, We the People have allowed the mis-managers of governance to continue on their path of malfeasance and corruption. If we don’t force our so-called leaders to obey the supreme Law of the Land; the U.S. Constitution as well as the laws of the various States, then how can we actually expect such a self-serving bunch of miscreants to obey the law? The U.S. Constitution is an instrument for the people to restrain government, as eloquently stated by Patrick Henry. Until the sovereign people of this great nation are willing to step forward and demand lawful and moral actions from our elected leaders we will continue on the downward spiral which we are currently experiencing. At the end of the day, we should all ask ourselves some tough questions. Who are the real fools? Are the fools our so-called elected leaders or are we the fools for continuing to vote them into office ad nauseam? Or is the answer both. I’m not certain it is actually possible to conclude this paper. How does one conclude something which has been ongoing for at least the last fifty years, and appears to have no end in sight? I would argue the answer is in the U.S. Constitution. We need to make certain that those who wish to serve the people, are held accountable for their actions. We the People are not the servants; we are the Masters.

Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results.

Albert Einstein

God Bless this Great Republic, the United States of America.

Brett L. Baker your social media marketing partner
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