Go It Alone Again or Have the UN Play its Proper Role?

Written by David Starr   
Monday, 22 September 2014 05:38
The recent tough talk from U.S. President Barack Obama, prodded on by GOP war mongers, on whether to use ground troops in Syria has reverted back to taking a patient stance; this again resulting from pressure from anti-war resistance. And the situation seems to go back and forth.

Obama this time wants to take until December to sort out what to do in relation to the Iraq-Syria crisis, particularly involving the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). But it seems like it’s the United States again that wants a go it alone, accompanied by a “coalition,” rather than invoke international law viz a viz having the United Nations leading the effort. After all, the UN does represent the nations of the world. The UN’s leading of finding a solution would thus be democratic.

UN committees could be created, according to what part of the conflicts to tackle: food aid, negotiations, helping refugees, and establishing a UN force to check the nature of the conflicts and provide peacekeeping. Despite financial considerations, where the UN is in need of dues, especially from the U.S., if there are enough willing parties (and not a coalition of the “willing”), results could be characterized by a more ethical and democratic framework, rather than a Bush Jr. roundup of an Obama slippery slope of using limited military action first, but then have it slide into another disasterous imperial war.

The GOP, however, never seems to get it. Its members have come up with contradictory and ultra-nationalist rhetoric that make the conflict potentially bound up into an even more confusing “web” of deceit: Syrian leader Assad is collaborating with ISIS, Syrian troops gassed the opposition, the Syrian opposition is democratic, Iraqi leader Maliki must be removed [although he was elected], staging an all-war is good [for business].

ISIS is a religiously fanatical tendency among others in Iraq and Syria. It is leading the way right now in a civil war against the Iraqi government. It has spread into Syria and has leaders in the Syrian opposition, according to Mideast journalist Patrick Cockburn.

For Obama to carefully sort out the options relating to the Iraq-Syrian conflicts is a wise move. But he should defer to the United Nations to sort it all out and find a solution. That’s what the UN is supposed to do, not GOP war mongers whose only answer is imperial war.
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