Talk I Would Like to Present to the Bilderberg Group ASAP
Written by Brendan Maloney
Tuesday, 31 May 2016 02:07
My Dear Madams and Sirs,
I hope I find you all well, or as well as can be when old age settles in for so many of us. My robust livelihood as a carpenter and passion for sailing fast centerboard dinghies have aged my joints and tendons far beyond their 60 years, so I can empathize with many of you. And of course mental weariness is an occupational hazard for deep historians like me, as we spend decades trying to make some sense of the erratic behavior of the extremely puzzling and problematic human critter.
My abiding interest in history was sparked by the remarkable self-taught historian Barbara Tuchman, your very own Steering Committee member Dr. Jessica Tuchman Mathews' mother, of course. Her first Pulitzer Prize winning book, “The Guns of August,” was a most fortuitously timed analysis of the insanity that sparked the horrific meat grinder of World War One and may have helped save humankind during the American Missile Crisis of 1962 (we aimed nukes at Moscow first). At the same time that JFK was slamming copies of it on the desks of advisers who were arguing for a nuclear first strike because we had a 5 to 1 numerical superiority in missiles, that book sat on my father's reading table, and my siblings and I were marching home with classmates in futile H-bomb air raid drills in Dayton, Ohio, where Wright-Patterson AFB was high on the Soviets' target list.
I read all her books because her focus on what she called we men's “wooden headedness,” shared by some women finding themselves in a man's world, resonated in every fiber of my being. Please understand that I am a skeptic and seek scientific confirmations of theories whenever possible. My parents were very bright and our house was full of high brow magazines and books. A few modern historians have criticized Tuchman for focusing too much on that “wooden headedness,” but she was twice the historian most of them are, and the simple fact of the matter is that she was spot on. I know this because I have spent the last 40 years proving that. I regret that I could not have shown my hard-won data to your dear mother, Jessica.
I hope you will take a look at my first Reader Supported News article, “Brain Catastrophes by the Numbers: Mental Minefields We Must Traverse to Survive.” If one explores the video links I include, it becomes more a symposium than an article, but a quick reading of the text and peek at the illustrations will show you the nature of the beast, and I do not use the term 'beast' lightly:
Assuming you scanned the text, now it is time for me to liven things up a bit by “tossing a few .45 caliber pistol rounds into the fireplace,” so to speak:
Don't you all think that the eminently qualified and widely experienced Dr. Jessica Mathews would make a simply smashing Secretary of State for President Bernie Sanders? Now don't you bolt for the door here, dear lady – I know you were looking forward to a well-deserved rest, but I believe that nobody on the planet would make a better SecState in 2016 than you. If some of your colleagues agree, perhaps they will perform a public service by enticing you into fireside chats (sans exploding bullets) and plying you with drink - perhaps absinthe, with a subtle tincture of laudanum, if needs be – so you all can share visions of a kinder, gentler, New World Order.
Okay, now that the issue of SecState Mathews has been decided for Bernie, even before he was aware of how much he wanted and needed Washington insider and foreign policy expert Dr. Mathews on his team, perhaps I can now convince you “Best of the West All Stars” to exercise your not inconsiderable legerdemain and help install Senator Sanders as the next POTAE – President of the American Empire.
You chess masters know I was setting up the board a bit with your colleague Dr. Mathews before discussing Democratic Socialist Senator Sanders. I hope I have the savoir – faire to convince you to explore the possibility of his becoming POTUS. A number of you are from the very successful and largely harmonious Northern European nations Bernie Sanders admires so much, and some of you have had profitable business dealings with those nations. So I will not presume to enlighten you re the viability of Democratic Socialism. But as our 70 year young American Empire gradually acquires its “sea legs” with a lot of help from members of older European nations, I see that more Americans are Bilderbergers than previously, as is perhaps right, so what I write below is intended more for “mah fella Mercans,” as Lyndon Johnson called us. Oops! so much for savoir-faire, eh?
The key to Democratic Socialism, or even a real democracy, is a strict and fair judicial system. Without one, the Danes' unofficial motto, “No Dane is better than any other Dane,” that they take very seriously, would be meaningless. Now, I know and you know that since the American Colonies were situated along the Atlantic Seaboard, piracy, smuggling and slavery were rife and played a large role in our early economy. And the fact that nothing has changed in that regard to this day - even slavery, with 2 million prisoners working for a few dollars a day - is the reason for today's deep national hunger for a fair judicial system. A Danish friend told me he doesn't think the entire system that works so well for 5.4 million Danes can be scaled up to encompass the American Empire, and I am inclined to agree. But if the only thing we managed to accomplish was to significantly tighten up our corrupt judicial system, the positive effects of that would flow throughout our entire society, so that it would be very pleasantly unrecognizable only a decade from now. The solution really is that simple.
Since piracy and class warfare is so endemic at every level of our society today, in order for a justice-driven political system to get a start here, I would suggest a 2-3 year amnesty that would allow rich and poor pirates to clean up their acts, via legal or gently nefarious means, in the allotted time. I sincerely believe that so many businessmen are criminals merely because that is the way the game is played today, if one wants to compete in it. I urge you all to think deeply upon my proposal. Details could be worked out and deadlines stretched a little here and there to accommodate on-the-ground realities like our War on Drugs that is so profitable to pushers and law enforcers from beat cops and lawyers to judges and wardens. Imagine, if you can, a United States where we would never again have our Secretary of Defense inform us taxpayers that our Pentagon could not account for $2.3 trillion dollars. Well, perhaps a 5 year amnesty for the denizens of the Pentagon might be advisable to avoid a military junta...
Many Bilderbergers are Ashkenazi Jews, and as a people, Ashkenazim like Bernie Sanders and Jessica Mathews have considerably higher I.Q.s than any other genetic haplotype, including Sephardic Jews. Harvard has long had a cap of 25% on Jewish student enrollment and Nobel Laureates are predominantly Ashkenazim. This phenomenon was little understood until very recently, via the new scientific field of epigenetics – environmental factors that switch our genes off and on. Our brain is by far the most plastic and changeable organ in our bodies, and that plasticity is the key to their higher I.Q.s. Paradoxically, the people who persecuted them the most – Christians – were the main drivers for them becoming so damned smart.
With no homeland after the Romans destroyed Israel after the Bar Kokhba Revolt that wiped out 2 entire Roman legions - with Romans killing 580,000 Jews and razing 50 fortified towns and 985 villages - Jews became widely traveled traders and skilled craftsmen. Thus they became multilingual, literate, international diplomats, and adept at handling multiple currencies; in short, everything that Christian princes were not, yet were seeking in others for important advisory roles. The best were employed as Court Jews, who then married other Court Jews, and thus they were off to the races for becoming genetic and epigenetic- driven super achievers.
Added to that was danger they faced when Christian princes had them killed when they died, so top secrets went to the grave with the prince. Those intent on survival thus had to stash money, plan escape routes and form alliances with other princes so they could procreate.
A thousand years of dynamic stress caused by their Christian persecutors created a group of very bright and adaptable people with an unparalleled knack for survival. I submit that these are excellent reasons why Bernie Sanders and Jessica Mathews should lead us into the wild and crazy 21st century!
You all know that Dr. Mathews has a doctorate in biochemistry / biophysics, so my "Brain Catastrophes" abstract certainly didn't bounce off her noggin, if she read it. She is probably aware of MRI scans showing differences in physical brain structures and functions between Asians and Occidentals, certainly something to consider when negotiating with the Best of the East All Stars, my Best of the West friends!
Perhaps you will recall that until Professor Chalmers Johnson came along and learned the dual Japanese languages and practices of omote (public face) and ura (private face), Japanese negotiators employing both sliced and diced our business negotiators like sushi! Thus we may find that learning Mandarin alone will not suffice in dealing with the the inscrutable Chinese that taught the Japanese everything they know, eh?
It is a Brave New World indeed, and I submit that since crucial brain studies are really kicking into gear now, those folks of David Rockefeller and Hank Kissinger's era might do well to learn as much as they can from the New Guard.
Crucial 30-second educational video for members of all social classes today:
You Bilderbergers likely promised Hillary Clinton the presidency in 2016 when you convinced her to step aside for Barack Obama in 2007 (she withdrew her candidacy shortly after she and Barack met with you). However, new and old pieces of her long political baggage train keep exploding at inconvenient and unpredictable times, so her presidency could suffer as a result.
I submit that at this crucial turning point in history, with upwards of a dozen environmental "tipping points" fast reaching critical mass, the American Aircraft Carrier of State needs real statesmen aboard her who can focus on ATTACKING problems rather than fighting off attacks.
Concerning reorienting world governance towards actual balanced-brain sustainability, any fledgling empire would do well by emulating the longest lived one - Ancient Egypt - that lasted for 3,500 years. Freemasons and Illuminati recognize it, but only on superficial ritualistic levels, so they are clueless about the real key to its longevity: its strongly female-affirmative culture:
No women in history had more personal power and freedom. At least two pharaohs were women. Family names passed through the mother's line. Divorce was common and dowries were restored to brides. Girls were as treasured as boys and women attended secret rites of the power elite. They walked naked in public without fear, for the feminine aspects of Nature were revered in Egypt before the dawn of history.
Goddesses shared power with gods, and Queen Isis was the most influential and beloved of all. The goddess Ma'at embodied truth and justice and weighed men's souls at their deaths. The sky goddess Nut created the Milky Way Galaxy by splashing her mother's milk across the empty night sky and when Egyptians died, even mighty pharaoh, she suckled them at her breasts for eternity.
Surely this is the ancient archetype that causes dying soldiers on every battlefield in history and speaking in every language to call out for MOTHER with their last breaths, eh? NO women allowed at the Bohemian Grove and few are Bilderbergers... re a sustainable future, this is drooling, howling-at-the-moon insanity, gentlemen!
“Why is it continually inferred that the age of the “pagan” religions, the time of the worship of the female deities (if mentioned at all) was dark and chaotic, mysterious and evil, without the light of order and reason that supposedly accompanied later male religions, when it has been archeologically confirmed that the earliest law, government, medicine, agriculture, metallurgy, wheeled vehicles, ceramics, textiles and written languages were initially developed in societies that worshipped the Goddess?” -Merlin Stone
Closing this long, complex, missive/symposium out, I would like to share one real ray of hope with all of you movers and shakers. You know as well as I – and perhaps better – that unless we Pan sui fallendi (Self-deceiving apes) take immediate, sane, and sustained action re the future of humanity we are all toast. But as brilliant as we all are here, our mature brains are not plastic and limber enough to really multi-task and problem-solve the way children's rapidly-growing brains can: Babies are born with 40% more brain neuron synapses than adults, and until age 7 or so, any child on Earth can learn several languages at the same time, making ALL of those little rugrats walking, talking, savants if they are properly nourished... Capisce?
I know its hard to visualize this stuff, so here is a short video of brain neurons growing, connecting and disconnecting via synapses in real time, not sped up. Now imagine kids' brains having 40% more synapses, please...
Finally, please take a look at this 8-minute trailer for Teacher Emeritus John Hunter's documentary and class, “The World Peace Game”, and you will be as amazed as I was when I first saw it, I assure you. John has been teaching this class for 30 years and the Pentagon awarded medals to one of his 4th-grade classes a few years ago. If our species is to survive, we need to start teaching The World Peace Game in as many classrooms worldwide as we possibly can... NOW.
Peace Out, you brilliant, but stodgy, old curmudgeons!
Brendan Maloney, Dayton, Ohio, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
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