Ye Generation of Vipers

Written by Basil E. Dalack   
Thursday, 05 May 2016 02:52
Why The Wars Must End/or/
“ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?”
In 1945-46, Nuremberg was the site at which the survivors of Hitler’s gang were charged with and convicted of violating the Kellogg-Briand Pact.
There is controversy over whether the German People shared in the guilt of their leaders. I shall enter that controversy and take the position that the German did not have blood on their hands because they were powerless to stop their leaders from committing those crimes.
The same is not true of us.

Beyond doubt, Bush, Cheney, and the rest of that gang, are war criminals because they violated Kellogg-Briand.
While we could not prevent Bush and his gang from invading Afghanistan and Iraq and initiating the slaughter that followed enactment of The Authorization For The Use of Military Force, we had the power, via the Ballot Box in 2004, to repudiate the slaughter, by turning the gang out of office. But instead of doing so, we steeped our hands in blood—the blood of American troops as well as the blood of the millions of “those not with us”, because we returned that gang of war criminals to office.
So there is no doubt that we are a Matt 23:33 generation of vipers.
The initial requirement for redemption is repentance.
Repentance of the American people can be shown only by a stopping of the slaughter. We can choose to begin the recovery of our national honor by stopping the Wars—we need not continue to be a generation of vipers. your social media marketing partner
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