Celebrate the Path Toward Peace even if it is only a Peace Bubble

Written by Richard Kane   
Monday, 02 December 2013 09:55
Finally all the nations of the UN Security Council are working together to solve the problems instead of stalemating when dealing with Syrian chemicals and Iranian nuclear potential. The Cold War gridlock and hate-talk or saber-rattling is now behind us. The founders of the UN and before that the League of Nations had hoped this kind of working together would have started from the beginning.

Ahmadinejad, I think, never really wanted to destroy Israel, he just to use polarization aginst Israel to lobby Sunni Muslims to accept Shiite Muslims as brothers, the best hope being that Israel would be seen as about to attack Iran. But using war threats as an attempt to cement solidarity among allied groups is an old dangerous game. Now that another Shiite or Shiite-like country Syria hasn't changed its orientation thanks to the UN removing the chemical weapons from Syria without war has changed the Iranian game from using hate toward Israel to help Iranian survival, to instead keeping negotiations moving to help Iran keep more secure.

In Israel the demonizing of Iran for solidarity and fund raising from the US had been temporarily replaced by demonizing Syria instead. Now that the current Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel is trying to quickly bring anger and fear of Iran back, domestic opposition in Israel like from former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert is getting in the way,

In the US some are again condemning the Israeli Lobby trying to dominate US policy. Those in the US would do far better dwelling of praising Ehud Olmert and the Israeli peace movement, than polarizing against the Israeli Lobby.

In the US Republican hawks had the rug pulled out from under them by the Ron Paul movement, including his son Republican leader Rand Paul The porn insult movie flick “The Innocence of Mohammad” to bring back Rand Paul and others back to the hawk position by baiting quasi attack on the US. Had the tricked porn actor been attacked by an angry US Muslim, or a Jewish businessman in the US for being one of the so-called “100 Jewish donors” to the hate flick. Had local Muslims in the US been successfully enticed to see the one time LA premier and turned over chairs or attacked the cameras followed by rioting overseas the Ron Paul movement would have been back on board the drumming for war.

In Libya Ambassador Stevens, since he knew fluent Arabic and could instantly communicate without waiting for a translator, ran US Libyan policy with a tight glove until he died. He refused to ask for US backup when his compound was attacked. Maybe the Ambassador feared that a US agent or go-between among the attackers might have been killed. Since he was apparently negotiating to buy back very dangerous weapons from the rebels, it was likely that more than one person among the attackers was not in the position to say “no” safely and the US would have wanted him not to reveal himself. Perhaps Ambassador Steven's actually volunteered to be made a martyr foretelling that Muslims around the world would say in disgust that the wrong person was punished for the porn flick insulting the Prophet Mohammad.

I wish there was some way of getting Rand Paul's ear to get him to refrain from falling for the false evidence that keeps being pushed. The most recent example was the “60 Minuets” documentary. All this needs to be investigated, ideally by Rand Paul himself as a threat to national security.

Let's keep the movement for a non-polarized world alive and peace will likely drift our way.

It is important to note where there isn't demonizing, such as seat belt laws, slow but steady compliance results, but gun laws where those who have a non-legally owned gun are described as evil, resistance results. The most successful program, removing automatics in Australia, no one was punished as evil for non-compliance of gun registration laws.

In Shakespeare's historical plays unlike cowboy movies where bad guys fight good guys, in Shakespeare there is no polarization of the war of good against evil. To say there is no such thing as “Evil” is similar to saying that there is no such thing as “Red” but when one projects evil on others then tries to use it for domestic or internal solidarity purposes like Ahmadinejad did, or to get people moving, then this ends up pushes toward forgetting that other than black and white exists.

I think it is far more than a temporary Peace Bubble that is going on. Let's celebrate it and spread the non-polarization around.
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