Poor but Intelligent? Don't Think and Drive--21 States Will Throw You on the Bus!

Written by Mimi   
Thursday, 12 January 2017 17:10

Yes, that’s right. In 21 states—including “liberal” states such as California and Washington State—your driver’s license will be taken away from you if your student loans went into default.


Say what?


I’m telling you that intelligent people who attended college but weren’t able to secure high-paying jobs upon graduation will typically not be able to pay off their student loans. That means their student loans will go into “default.” (Bankruptcy protections have been removed for student loan debt.) Once their loans default, they will not be able to drive a car in nearly half the country. The message is this:


Going to college means risking your ability to legally drive a vehicle in nearly half the country.


Oh, and by the way, student loan debt is the only debt that cannot be written off in bankruptcy. Yep, billionaires like Donald Trump can declare bankruptcy. Gamblers who were irresponsible with their money can declare bankruptcy. Over-spenders who buy things they don’t need with their credit cards can declare bankruptcy. But some poor college grad with the misfortune of not obtaining a high-paying job? Well, you’re out of luck.




Believed in that American dream, did you? Thought you could pursue your dreams, did ya’? Like I said, “Sucker!!!”Ah, but now you made me use, not one, but three exclamation points. For shame.


But yes, even in “liberal” states like California where a large percentage of its inhabitants are preoccupied with saving whales, trees, and the climate (even though they’ve made owning a gas-guzzling car a priority,) student loan debtors whose biggest crime is lack of enough money to pay off the debt are being disenfranchised. Limousine liberals don’t care about poor or working class people, but they won’t let you cut down that tree. Leave that tree alone, dang-it!


What’s also interesting is that California, a state bordering on Mexico, has a large immigrant population. Immigrants can drive. Tourists visiting from other countries can drive. (They can drive but they can’t vote. Hmm…) Heck, the irresponsible gambler or billionaire can drive too. But US citizens born and raised in this country have fewer rights than non-citizens when they can’t afford to pay out of pocket for an education.

Of course, Seattle, Washington can claim a socialist, Kshama Sawant, as part of its city council. Pretty liberal, eh?


No! Say it isn’t so!


It can’t be!


Oh, it be, baby. It most certainly be. And it’s not even a recent development. This disenfranchising of student loan debtors has been going on for a few years now.


Check out this article from nearly two years ago here:  https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-03-25/these-states-will-take-your-license-for-not-paying-student-loans (The not so very liberal state of Montana, has since overturned this law, from what I understand. The not so liberal states of California and Washington have not.)


So if you’re an intelligent, well-educated person and your job doesn’t pay well, you may want to consider not moving to California, Washington State, et al. They don’t want smart people over there unless they’re the diabolical, greedy, money-motivated ones. You know, the psychopathic kind like pharmaceutical entrepreneur Martin Shkreli who’ll do anything to make money. Anything. (By the way, I believe that he too has the right to drive in any US state he chooses.)


But if you’re a nice person who won’t take on a job that causes you to do things that are morally or ethically wrong just to make a buck, well, you may not earn much money. Or maybe you’re an intelligent person who’s discovered the hard way that there aren’t many jobs in your field. Or perhaps you are black or female and, therefore, getting paid a lot less than the rest of the population. Or heaven forbid, you have health problems or are disabled and can’t work full time anymore.


Well, whatever your excuse is, you’re just not making enough money to pay off those loans. So… you must suffer.


Off with their heads! (Well, at least let’s take away their brain power by discouraging them from furthering their education… We don't want poor people to get educated--causes lots of trouble around the world when they do.)


Oh, is that unconstitutional? Well, off with their driver’s licenses! Trap ‘em in their homes! Keep ‘em from working! That’ll get ‘em! How dare they go to college! Their parents weren’t rich! They should know their place!


Yes, it makes perfect sense doesn’t it? You can’t afford to pay off your student loan debt, so they’re going to keep you from working, so that you’ll never be able to pay them off. That way, you'll always be poor and powerless, not much of a threat to the status quo at all...


Oh yes, that’s right. Many professions require licenses too. So… you might also lose your license to work if you can’t pay off your student loan debt in 21 states.


Oh, and before you start jumping to the conclusion that this is a millennial issue, you need to know that this all began in the 90s, during the Clinton administration. That’s when laws attacking student loan debtors began being written. Yes, another so-called “liberal,” Bill Clinton, was happy to make life difficult for students whose biggest crime was that their parents weren’t wealthy enough to pay their college tuition in full. But then, that same Bill Clinton ruthlessly knocked a lot of poor people off the welfare rolls, didn’t he? Ah, limousine liberals are a complicated lot, aren’t they?


Many student loan debtors are middle-aged or of retirement age. Not everyone over the age of 25 is rich. And older people saddled with student loan debt have the additional problem of being ready to retire, not being able to work, having no parents to borrow money from and knowing their social security benefits may be garnished. The propaganda stating that only millennials suffer from student loan debt seems to be another way of dividing us so that we don’t all come together to work as a team to stop this injustice.


At least millennials know they’re screwed. Those of us who are a few years older believed that when we graduated we were going to obtain high-paying jobs. We didn’t know our country was plotting against us.


Way to go, USA! Way to go!


But... Why you do me like that?


Oh, I think I know why. In fact, I know exactly why.


According to Laurence Britt, “disdain for intellectuals and the arts” is one of the early warning signs of fascism. Yes, Britt studied the development of fascism in countries around the world and found a pattern. He compiled a list of warning signs indicating a country was sinking into fascism. (I suppose he thought people might heed the warnings. After all, he took the time to write them down and publish them for all to see. Must be that he thought people would pay attention and try to prevent fascism from coming to their country.)


(For some reason, I had a little trouble finding a direct link to Britt’s writing, but here’s what I found:)









The poster is currently unavailable on Amazon. Why is it unavailable?  https://www.amazon.ca/Early-Warning-Signs-Fascism-91-5x30-5cm/dp/B002RBKS20





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