How to bounce back after failure?

Written by xeonmn   
Thursday, 18 February 2021 21:10

In our lives, we often have to bounce back after a failure, more or less bitterly: Missing an exam, failing a mission, disappointing someone dear to you, losing a lot of money because of an unsustainable project... In general, in these cases, the suffering is such that one does not know how to react. The invasion of strong emotions such as regret, remorse or disappointment prevents us from seeing clearly. It often ends in depression or inaction for a long time before we react.

The purpose of this article is to show you that it is possible to get back on track quickly after a failure when you have prepared for it a minimum. We'll see about that right away!

How to bounce back after failure

Mental conditioning to avoid depression

The first thing to do to overcome failure is to listen to your body. It is important to know what your strong inner feelings are in order to move forward. Negative waves will interfere with understanding your feelings. In fact, your body unconsciously guides you towards assimilating your mistakes. Therefore, it is better to listen to the feelings that will guide you towards a turnaround than to let yourself be overwhelmed by those that will lead you to nothing. You'll see much more clearly if you try to understand why you failed rather than failing yourself by dwelling on negative thoughts. Doing the opposite would only lead to depression.

To go further: If you are struggling with negative thoughts and self-confidence, overcome your depression by adopting the advice in this guide!

If you are having trouble getting bad thoughts and feelings out of your mind, do some "letting off steam" activities. These will help you get rid of the bad vibes. This can be combat sports, playing an instrument, playing video games, or just confiding in someone.

True example: I missed my CCNA test because I ran a stop sign that wasn't visible because of the wear and tear on the road. I tortured myself a lot by telling myself that it wasn't my fault and that I had missed it because it was fate. I stupidly told myself that I would never get it because I was too bad. Anyway, I was losing my self-confidence. But I felt that deep down I had something to do with it. I was still too focused on the mechanics, which prevented me from clearly analysing what was going on around me and therefore from acting quickly if there was a problem. And this is what irremediably led me to failure.

So I made the decision to stop failing, to accept what that little voice was telling me and to start supervised driving with my father for a year. As a result, I passed my licence with flying colours. I bounced back after my failure but lost 2 months stupidly by being alarmed about my fate.

You can lose a lot of time when you fall prey to your old demons. Failure can be converted into success with time, but time is not exchangeable. So, to avoid regret, forget the negative. Get rid of it and concentrate on what your instincts and body are telling you.

Relativise, accept the situation and change direction.

Once you get rid of this bad mindset, it is easier to think of a new way out of your failure. By introspectively looking at what you have lost or failed to achieve and what you need to do to achieve it, you will be able to better define your new goals. It is really important to learn from your failures: take into account what you did well and leave aside what undermined your actions.

Then, ask yourself the right questions to start from scratch after a failure:

For example, for my permit story, I just had to do what I did before. That is to say, to continue practicing but with more time. It's up to you to find out how you can start again from a good base to bounce back after your failure.

Let's take an example, you realise that you missed your first year of university. What's more, you don't like the area of your training. In such cases, find a new area that you might like and implement an action plan to access that training.

The most important thing is to have the incentive to change and I'll show you how you can get yours in this article.

You will have understood that you need to take on a new challenge to free yourself from your failure!

Overcome it through action and assertiveness

Acting, the only solution to disappointment and sadness

Now that you have a well thought-out plan to try again to succeed what you failed to achieve or simply set yourself a new goal, take action! Apply what you've been thinking about to move forward. Being mobile, putting your failure into perspective and taking new paths will help you to not only bounce back from your failure but also enhance your self-worth. Your self-confidence will increase and you will be able to overcome your future failures much more quickly and without sinking.

If you find it difficult to embark on these new horizons, your projects or to start over what you have failed to achieve, never forget that only action will allow you to move forward. Things you do are real, while thoughts are only fictitious. Thinking won't get you anywhere, so get organised and go for it!

To never sink again, remember what you've been through

The truth is that we often forget that the experiences of our past are sometimes much more difficult to live through than the failure we experience in the present moment. This is why it is important to remember where we come from and what we have been through. Because that's what makes us who we are today. Remember the great galleys you've been through. Try to remember all the times you thought you were going to fail. That you were going to sink, but that you finally survived... A lot of things come to mind, don't they?

Well tell yourself that it's the same here, you're much stronger than you think. Overcoming a failure is not something you don't know. You're just not prepared for it. You've built up a character and a mentality in the image of your successful experiences. But don't forget that there were also failures. Think of these defeats as challenges to be overcome. As I like to say, life is a game worth living. Because there are only things to win and nothing to lose, just believe in it and try! There is only one step between this state of mind and being happy. your social media marketing partner
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