Top 10 Animals Who Prove That Not All Heroes Wear Capes

Written by Steven Mehler   
Tuesday, 06 December 2016 05:12

dog superhero

Heroes come in all shapes, sizes, and species. This includes reptiles, mammals, and even birds. Take a few minutes to read about some animal heroes that rescued human beings from natural disasters and other dangerous situations.

1. Lucky The Pot Bellied Pig

One Sunday morning, Ina Farler was jolted awake by her pet pig. It was 4:40 in the morning, when the pig began to squeal loudly, and running back and forth between the door and Farler’s bedroom jumping onto her bed. As soon as Ina opened her eyes, she realized that her bedroom was full of smoke. Thanks to Lucky’s actions, she was able to get herself and her two grandchildren to safety. The trailer and its contents were a total loss, but there were no injuries to human or animal.

2. Trakr The German Shepherd Dog

Trakr was a dog that was born to be a hero. He started his career with fellow police officer and handler, James Symington. The pair worked together at the Halifax police department. Then, after 9/11 the pair came to NYC to assist in rescue and recovery efforts. It was there that Trakr and Symington were able to rescue the last surviving person from the debris at ground zero. Two days later, Trakr collapsed. He was suffering from exposure to chemicals, exhaustion, and burns. Later Trakr lost the use of his back legs. This may have been due to chemical exposure during his heroic rescue efforts.

3. Polo The Baby Protecting Pooch

At 10 p.m. on August 14th a Baltimore mother stepped outside of her home when she saw flames. She raced back inside to try to rescue her baby from the flames. Sadly, neither she or her neighbors were able to get in. When firefighters arrived, they found the child being shielded from the smoke and flames by the family’s pet dog. While the child did suffer some burns on her arm and side, she survived. Sadly, Polo did not make it.

4. Eve the Rottweiler

Vaughan, a paraplegic paralyzed from the waist down, was driving the used truck she had just purchased when out of nowhere she lost control of the vehicle. That’ when she realized that her vehicle was quickly filling with smoke. With her owner being in danger of a fiery explosion, Eve grabbed her owner by the leg and dragged her to safety.

5. Junior

Junior, a fairly quiet Shih-tzu suddenly started barking loudly one night. The house was on fire, and quickly filling with smoke. Despite that the smoke alarms were going off throughout the house nobody would wake up. So junior decided that it was his duty to wake up his family. He refused to stop barking until everyone in the house was outside, including relatives who were visiting from Orlando.

6. Long Long

It’s very rare to hear of a snake saving a family from a house fire is fairly uncommon. Some even say that snakes aren’t smart enough to display this sort of behavior. However, Long Long the snake showed that this theory may be wrong. Long Long woke up his owner by slithering on top of his bed, and smacking the mattress with its tail. Then the snake led its owner to his mother’s room where he discovered her electric blanket was on fire.

7. Baby

Baby is described as a fairly docile cat, so when he started jumping on his sleeping owners they knew something had to be wrong. When the husband woke up first and saw an orange glow coming from their room he discovered that their home was on fire. After trying to extinguish the flames and failing he lead his pregnant wife, and dog out to safety with the help of his heroic feline.

8. Schnautzie

Schnautzie is a cat who is commended for saving her family from a gas leak, which could have possibly turned into a vicious and deadly fire. She woke up her owners by sitting on their chest and tapping them on the nose. Sniffing at the air, when she had their full attention. That was when Trudy, one of her owners noticed a strange hissing sound and quickly hurried out of the house. Firefighters who arrived on the scene said that if the water heater had kicked on the outcome would have been catastrophic.

9. Gracie

Gracie is a pitbull who is commended for saving her paralyzed owner from a house fire. Laying in his bed her owner had no idea what was going on around him. She started to bark continuously, however her owner simply swatted her and told her to be good. That was when he noticed that the majority of his bed was on fire. So he lunged for his wheelchair, and with the help of his dog managed to get out of the house.

10. Willie

When hearing about pet heroes, most expect to hear about dogs or maybe the occasional cat. However, a parrot can just as easily earn his spot on the hero roster. Hannah, a two-year-old little girl at the time was enjoying her breakfast when suddenly she began to choke. Willie, who immediately sensed the danger began to squawk loudly, flapping his wings while crying out “Mama Baby! Mama Baby!” His owner, who had been babysitting Hannah at the time was in the bathroom. However, when she heard those squawks she ran into the kitchen and performed the Heimlich, just as Hannah had started to turn blue.


Our beloved pets can be heroes too. Each animal on this list deserves praise and recognition. Pets a long history of bonding with and protecting their loved ones.


About The author:

Steven Mehler is an experienced writer, blogger, SEO expert and social psychologist that works as an editor at a local newspaper and a freelance custom research paper specialist. Steven also runs his own content agency and is writing a book. He has a long-term experience in writing articles based on blogging, marketing, SEO and social psychology. your social media marketing partner
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