We All May Be Inside a Failed World!

Monday, 21 December 2015 16:30
We all may be inside a failed world! But maybe we all can "fail better"! There may be a trend involving countries all over the world developing, evolving to become "authorities" instead of continuing as countries. Imagine if A whole western region from north to south, including Canada and Mexico, became BART Authority, or if the entire East coast from north to south, including Canada and the Carribean, became PATH ATHORITY! The only word missing in front of Authority will be "religious"!The word "religious" hardly needs to be there, though, because religious, like myth, is understood. It is like the command: "Run"! the "you" in the unspoken command "Run!", is invisibly understood!. Similarly, the myth in religion is understoood, so it can be unspoken and unspoken about!

But here's the real myth: That muslims are, or can be, terrorists is explanatory in itself, when christians, etc., are, or can be terrorists as well. The focus on muslims as terrorists is just the "tip of the iceberg". We are all terrorists, if not to others then we are all terrorists to ourselves, because we all believe in the myth of an external god, or the dicotomy of the absence of god. This myth ideology, ranges from negative to positive, and poisons us all imbues indoctrinates us all with the death begins life fantasy. Anyone who offers alternatives transcending the dialectic is considered mad, delusional, unreasonable. (See Horkheimers's "The Eclispse of Reason)
The Muzlims are front and center now! But we all "drink the cool aid" of "We must suffer, only with death do we begin to live!"

For evidence that We are all terrorists to ourselves or others: give truth serum, etc., to any man, who is a man, that is, instead of a metrosexual, and he will want something like S'haria law, so he can commoditize and own and control women. Men who are sensitive, yet masculine, men who are renaissance men who want to transcend competion to achieve cooperation, men who can even imagine giving up property "rights" and cooperatively sharing all resources are few and far between. Terrorists (backwards) "r" us!

What may help is realizing that as long as we settle for the quid pro quo, tit for tat, commodification instrumentality in our social relationships, as long as there remains the arrogance and ego and drama of privat property, we condemn ourselves to competitiive social upheavals that range from teasing to bullying to abusr to leagal and extralegal capital punishment and war. Only when, and if, we seek a kind of consciousness derived humanity identity that transcends the competion of ego and drama can we visualize life in the present as freedom to be unconditionally in love with our godlike selves and see the limitless godlikeness in all others, too
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