Religion is the root of our problems

Written by Robert L Vogel   
Sunday, 29 June 2014 19:10
For centuries, Religion has motivated war, terrorism, exceptionalism, and intolerance. It accounts for 9/11, and wars in the Middle East. Diane Kirby makes the case that the Cold War was a religious war. 

Here in the US, religious intolerance divides Red States and Blue States with wedge issues like abortion, and produces partisan gridlock that renders our government dysfunctional. Although religion is tax-free, it is one of the reasons we need a huge, expensive military, and it tends to make the US ungovernable.

Polls show that the most likely indicator that someone is a Republican is whether they attend church regularly. Since Republicans usually claim to be the most Christian, consider the death toll from their policy:

The very Christian George W Bush manipulated evidence (lies for which no one was held accountable) to go to war in Afghanistan and Iraq and the result was about a million deaths. The VA is overloaded with the wounded. We don't know the full body count of the torture, renditions, and assassinations. Joseph Stiglitz estimates the cost of those two wars at around $4 trillion.

Republican States, the Christian ones... also the neediest, that turned down Medicaid expansion will experience 27,000 unnecessary deaths. We will probably never know the number of avoidable deaths by faith healers. 

Red States, Christian Republicans, are most likely to proudly defend the death
penalty with Texas in the lead. They seem to be pro-life only for the unborn. 

The very Christian evangelicals love guns. 

"Since terrorists struck the U.S. on 9/11/2001, more than 300,000 Americans have lost their lives to guns—more than 100 times as many people as the number who died when the World Trade Center fell. We've spent well over a trillion dollars fighting terrorism, but we live with the threat of random terror in our schools and on our streets on any given day. That’s just the price we pay for “freedom,” I guess. Or so the NRA would have us believe, as they corrupt our politicians and subvert popular support for gun control sanity." Smirking Chimp: Jaime O'Neill

So add up the actual death toll so far, then consider potential for even more:

Republicans are determined to upgrade our nuclear arsenal, at a cost of over $1 trillion over the next years, and that has the potential to destroy the habitability of the planet. See the pictures of children born in the fallout of the Russian nuclear tests to begin
to appreciate the damage. Republicans disdain international
law, so they will not obey the Non-Proliferation Treaty, and they
do not hesitate to go to war.

Republicans are in denial of science including evolution, climate
change and that has consequences for education, media, and the
condition of the planet. We have polluted earth producing an increasingly hostile environment, mass extinction, and destruction of the ecology. Humanity will not survive unless we throw off the medieval religions and recognize science as the best way of
recognizing fact.

Start by voting Republicans out of office at all levels of government. your social media marketing partner
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