Do DMT Experiences Really Suggest Communication With Aliens?

Written by Patrick Wells   
Tuesday, 07 January 2014 05:38
After leaving their bodies, most Near-Death-Experiencers eventually “report” meeting a Holy Being Made of Light, that loves them unconditionally. That is also how former atheists usually describe this Holy Being. Some NDErs also report being “told” by this Being, that there are billions of different self-conscious life forms in this Universe. Now Astronomers are reporting that there could be as many as 40 billion habitable Earth-size planets just in our own galaxy (based on a new analysis of data from NASA’s Kepler spacecraft). One out of every five stars, like our Sun, in the galaxy has a planet the size of Earth where surface temperatures should be compatible with liquid water.

These Earth-like planets may well nurture other self-conscious beings that we now call aliens. There is a lot of wild speculation that aliens have already been visiting earth with their physical bodies in physical space ships. No alien will ever “visit” Planet Earth in a physical spacecraft; the distances are far too large for material space travel of any kind.

But some of those same aliens may already be visiting Earth with their mental projections or thoughts, which might travel faster than the speed of light. I refer you to Bell’s Theorem (1964). Bell asserted that when quantum theory was eventually proved correct (It was), then our world must be non-local. "Non-local" means that there exist interactions between events that are too far apart in space and too close together in time for the events to be connected even by signals moving at the speed of light. These experiments featured a Bonded Pair of electrons. The relevant predictions of quantum theory were first confirmed by the experiment of Aspect et al. (1982) and have been even more convincingly reconfirmed many times since.

There is a psychedelic drug, dimethyltryptamine or DMT, which may allow human beings to visit these aliens using only the energy of their Mind. Dimethyltryptamine or DMT is a molecule found in nearly every living organism and considered the most potent psychedelic on Earth. Since it is not orally active, you have to smoke powdered DMT to get the actual “Alien Experience”. Some brave people have already been “there” and written about it, like Terrence McKenna. In LA in the 1980s, as a successful Movie Producer, I was able to experience the best and purest psychedelics in the world, some accompanied by a real Shaman. One even brought his freshly brewed product of Ayahuasca on the plane that same day. Ayahuasca is DMT made orally active by another jungle psychedelic. Ingesting Ayahuasca is much easier to deal with mentally with than smoking DMT.

I thought I could handle any psychedelic on the planet; but I was wrong about DMT. Simultaneously while taking a big hit of DMT, I felt like I was actually moving faster than the speed of light, sort of like the worm-holes in the movie, CONTACT. I was almost “there” when I felt something, well for a lack of a better word, Alien. Then I totally panicked. My Guide(you must always have a guide not on drugs when you are using psychedelics), gently but firmly spoke to me until I found myself back in front of my guide’s smiling face. He told me he knew that I was in trouble because I had squeezed both of his forearms so hard he could already show me the bruises on his arms.

The people, who have identical DMT experiences, describe these extraordinary events this way. After that extraordinary feeling that I had, almost like time travel, your mental projection arrives in an environment pulsating with Beings making up your whole background. You are the only thing in the foreground. These Beings look like intertwined machine elves. They are constantly moving and intertwining in your totally alive background. These Beings start singing to you in an auditory and also a visible language. You sense that they want you to sing with them. But no one has ever figured out how to do that, yet. Are they aliens? You be the judge. your social media marketing partner
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