San Francisco Explodes Over Bradley Manning Verdict

Wednesday, 31 July 2013 10:34
Hours after the Tuesday, July 30, 2013 Bradley Manning verdict, San Franciscans jammed the streets in protest. Gathering at the Powell and Market Streets trolley turn-around, surrounded by tourists, photographers and media, speakers voiced the crowd's outrage that, though the military court judge found Manning not guilty of aiding the enemy, she levied 19 charges equal to 136 years in prison.

Calling Manning a 'Hero,' Jeff Patterson of the Bradley Manning Support Network and Courage To Resist promised the gathering, 'We are making plans to put before President Obama a Pardon that is going to be supported by a million Americans.

“It's a travesty that he's serving one more day in prison.

“Without information, we don't have a chance in hell for real Democracy. And people like Bradley Manning and Edward Snowden are the real guarantors of our ability to shine light and hold our government accountable.”

Then activists marched and chanted to Union Square where a flashmob erupted dancing to Michael Jackson's 'All I Wanna Say Is That They Really Don't Care About Us.' your social media marketing partner
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