Scheer writes: "Obama once referred to his buddy Dimon as 'one of the smartest bankers we got,' but clearly his administration is now less impressed. JPMorgan has been shameless and, as The New York Times reports, 'At least seven federal agencies, several state regulators and two foreign countries are investigating the bank.'"
Was Jamie Dimon holding back a laugh? (photo: Getty Images)
Why JP Morgan Is Laughing All the Way to the Bank
22 October 13
am not a crook," Jamie Dimon might as well have been insisting in his five telephone calls these past two weeks with U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, asking that a criminal investigation of JPMorgan Chase be dropped as part of a plea deal on what has turned out to be a $13 billion fine on civil charges.
Nope, said Holder, who finally has found the backbone to stand up to the CEO of the nation's biggest bank who was also once a strong supporter of the president for whom Holder works. Friday night, Dimon folded and accepted the record-breaking civil settlement while the rare criminal investigation into the allegedly fraudulent claims at the heart of the mortgage based banking securities that have wrecked the economy proceeds.
Although the $13 billion fine on the civil charges, which includes $4 billion in direct assistance to swindled homeowners, mostly in depressed inner city neighborhoods, is to be applauded, it represents about half of the profit JPMorgan garnered last year. The company's stock price, which has increased by 23 percent since January despite a barrage of crises and fines, has not been damaged by the latest settlement.
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