Pierce writes: "I'm glad I had the weekend to think over the testimony of former Acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen before the Senate Judiciary Committee because, the more I think about it, the angrier I get - not at El Caudillo del Mar-a-Lago, but at the whole idea of Rosen's testimony."
Former Acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen. (photo: Yuri Gripas/Getty)
Jeffrey Rosen Wasn't a Truth-Telling Whistleblower, He Just Reached the Limits of His Sycophancy
10 August 21
I guess his limit was an attempt by a president* to overthrow the government. Fella’s got to have standards.
m glad I had the weekend to think over the testimony of former Acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen before the Senate Judiciary Committee because, the more I think about it, the angrier I get—not at El Caudillo del Mar-a-Lago, but at the whole idea of Rosen’s testimony. He turns out to have been more an apparatchik who’d reached the limits of his sycophancy than a dedicated truth-telling whistleblower. After all, a while back, when the hounds were closing in on Rudy Giuliani for the latter’s involvement with the Volga Bagmen, it was Rosen who got in the way. But I guess his limit was an attempt by a president* to overthrow the government. Fella’s got to have standards.
There is no question that what Rosen told the committee and its staff lines up heavily behind the proposition that the former president* was trying to serve himself up as a tasty orange Pinochet, and expected the Department of Justice to help him do so. And it was very shrewd of him to arrange to testify before a barrage of phony-baloney lawsuits were lodged against his testifying by whatever burlesque law firm is currently being stiffed by the former president*. From the New York Times:
The investigations were opened after a New York Times article that detailed efforts by Jeffrey Clark, the acting head of the Justice Department’s civil division, to push top leaders to falsely and publicly assert that continuing election fraud investigations cast doubt on the Electoral College results. That prompted Mr. Trump to consider ousting Mr. Rosen and installing Mr. Clark at the top of the department to carry out that plan. Mr. Trump never fired Mr. Rosen, but the plot highlights the former president’s desire to batter the Justice Department into advancing his personal agenda.
Mr. Rosen has emerged as a key witness in multiple investigations that focus on Mr. Trump’s efforts to undermine the results of the election. He has publicly stated that the Justice Department did not find enough fraud to affect the outcome of the election. On Friday Mr. Rosen told investigators from the inspector general’s office about five encounters with Mr. Clark, including one in late December during which his deputy admitted to meeting with Mr. Trump and pledged that he would not do so again, according to a person familiar with the interview.
Let us all agree that Mr. Clark is pretty deep in the latrine here. Rosen is pointing to Clark as the tool with which the former president* planned to loosen the brake lines of democracy. As for Rosen, well, it would have been nice to know all this at the time, and it certainly would have been nice to know it during Impeachment II. Not that it would’ve changed many votes, but it certainly would have clarified the charges considerably. Anyway, I’m going to stand right here and not join the parade that people are throwing for Jeffrey Rosen. I’m pretty sick of all these people.
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