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Pierce writes: "The Republican Party rarely bargains in good faith. More proof is coming soon, in the form of Chuck Schumer's second, $3.5 trillion bill."

Mitch McConnell and Chuck Schumer. (photo: Getty Images)
Mitch McConnell and Chuck Schumer. (photo: Getty Images)

Don't Get Swept Up in the Infrastructure Romance. Bipartisanship Is Illusory.

By Charles Pierce, Esquire

04 August 21

The Republican Party rarely bargains in good faith. More proof is coming soon, in the form of Chuck Schumer's second, $3.5 trillion bill.

he Senate worked all weekend on the famous Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal—a.k.a., the Kyrsten Sinema Protection Act of 2021. It appears that the mills of the clods grinders slowly, but they’re still getting there. However, for all the praise the B.I.D. is getting, it seems as though the Republicans are celebrating it as a partisan win.

Here’s Schumer. From Politico:

“It’s been decades since Congress passed such a significant standalone investment and I salute the hard work done here by everybody,” Schumer said. “Given how bipartisan the bill is and how much work has already been put in to get the details right, I believe the Senate can quickly process relevant amendments.”

And Sinema:

“This very process of finding bipartisan compromise and working together to achieve the objectives that the American people are depending upon us to do is the very heart and very core of why each of us serve in this government,” Sinema said. “It is why I ran for office.”

This is all very adorable. But then we come to Senator Rob Portman, the lead Republican in the negotiations and someone who never took his eye off the ball.

Portman, meanwhile, declared that "this process of starting from the center out has worked." He reiterated that the bipartisan bill focused on “core infrastructure” and would not raise taxes, meeting the two conditions Republicans set.

The Washington Post also points out that whatever bipartisan deal is hammered out isn’t entirely clear of the minefield:

But there nonetheless remains concern in both parties that some of the math is fuzzy, raising the potential that the package still could add to the federal deficit — and bring about significant fighting on the Senate floor.

OK, first of all, absolutely-no-tax-increases-ever is not “the center” by any measure except that of Portman and his party. Second, that business about “core infrastructure” is a shot across the bow regarding the second part of the Biden-Schumer grand design. And the members of the Republican half of this bipartisan triumph are suiting up to become Republicans again when it comes to that.

Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah), another GOP negotiator, addressed that argument Sunday evening, emphasizing that the bipartisan package was a separate effort.“I know members of both parties have mischaracterized our efforts as somehow linked to paving the way to the Democrats’ $3.5 trillion wish list,” Romney said. “If you don’t think our Democrat friends are going to push for that monstrosity with or without this bill then I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you. They’re going to push for that anyway.”

Despite the demonstrable popularity of many of its principle features, the second bill, the one that Schumer says he will seek to pass through reconciliation, is going to be a genuine brawl with a Republican Party that rarely bargains in good faith, and that has been implacably committed to shoving as much of the nation’s wealth upwards as possible and doing everything it can to keep it there. The second bill is $3.5 trillion, and it is not bipartisan, and it contains a whole pile of things that the country needs and that Republicans believe it does not. Bipartisanship is illusory. The proof of that is coming down the track. your social media marketing partner
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