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Carroll writes: "It would be nice if the United States could reach herd immunity with just vaccination incentives like tickets to ballgames and free beer."

A vaccine. (photo: Artyom Geodakyan/Tass)
A vaccine. (photo: Artyom Geodakyan/Tass)

Vaccine Mandates Are Coming. Good.

By Aaron E. Carroll, The New York Times

30 June 21


t would be nice if the United States could reach herd immunity with just vaccination incentives like tickets to ballgames and free beer. Americans don’t like to be told what to do, and public officials would almost always rather hand out cash than have to punish.

Some even view vaccine mandates as un-American, but they are part of our foundational fabric. During the Revolutionary War, inoculation against smallpox was common in Europe. Because of this, the British Army was largely safe from the disease, but the colonists’ army was not.

Gen. George Washington recognized that mandated mass inoculation was necessary to win the war, though, and told Congress so in 1777. Although he met resistance, his mandate worked. While smallpox outbreaks were common over the next few years and massively affected those who were susceptible to infection, no revolutionary regiments were incapacitated by the disease during the southern campaign, and the mandate arguably helped win the yearslong war.

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