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Borowitz writes: "After the state of New York banned Rudy Giuliani from practicing law, Americans expressed utter shock and disbelief that he had a law license."

Rudy Giuliani. (photo: Evan Vucci/AP)
Rudy Giuliani. (photo: Evan Vucci/AP)

Americans Shocked to Learn That Giuliani Had Law License

By Andy Borowitz, The New Yorker

26 June 21


The article below is satire. Andy Borowitz is an American comedian and New York Times-bestselling author who satirizes the news for his column, "The Borowitz Report."

fter the state of New York banned Rudy Giuliani from practicing law, Americans expressed utter shock and disbelief that he had a law license.

“I did not know that he was an actual lawyer,” Carol Foyler, who lives in Bridgeport, Connecticut, said. “I just thought he was some skeezy guy Trump met at a wedding or something.”

“The fact that Rudy Giuliani had a law license shows that the system for granting law licenses is broken,” Harland Dorrinson, a resident of Toledo, Ohio, said. “There need to be background checks to prevent this sort of thing from happening in the future.”

Tracy Klugian, a spokesman for the New York State Supreme Court’s appellate division, said that their offices have been deluged with requests for law licenses ever since the Giuliani news broke. “People now think we’ll give a law license to anyone,” he said. your social media marketing partner
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