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Sanders writes: "The United States Senate is going to vote on an historic voting rights bill this week. It's must-pass legislation if we are going to save our democracy."

Sen. Bernie Sanders. (photo: Getty)
Sen. Bernie Sanders. (photo: Getty)

Cowardly Republicans

By Bernie Sanders, Reader Supported News

21 June 21


he United States Senate is going to vote on an historic voting rights bill this week. It’s must-pass legislation if we are going to save our democracy.

Cowardly Republicans in more than a dozen state legislatures throughout the country are passing legislation to deny people access to the ballot. Why? Because Republicans witnessed an unprecedented voter turnout last November to defeat the most dangerous president in modern history, and they want to make sure that doesn’t happen again.

Let me be very clear.

We cannot have a vibrant democracy unless we defend the right of all eligible voters to participate in our elections.

The job of the progressive movement, and all those who believe in democracy, is to make it easier for people to vote, not harder — regardless of who they're casting their vote for.

Our movement represents the needs of ordinary Americans, and we believe our ideas can win — that's why we want large voter turnouts. Meanwhile Republicans are working overtime trying to deny the right to vote because that is apparently the only way they believe they can win elections. How pathetic is that!

The good news is that the U.S. House passed a comprehensive voting rights bill earlier this year. It would create a major expansion of voting rights, reform our corrupt campaign finance system, and end the unfair redistricting processes that result in extremely gerrymandered districts.

Now it is up to the Senate to take up this important bill. And before the Senate holds a vote on voting rights legislation tomorrow, I am counting on you to send a clear message to my colleagues about where our movement stands on this issue.

That's why I am asking you directly:

Please sign my petition to tell the Senate to pass voting rights legislation that would protect and expand voting rights, get big money out of politics, and end partisan gerrymandering.

When we talk about democracy in America, we are talking about one person, one vote. It’s about all of our people coming together to decide the future of our country. What democracy is not about is a handful of billionaires using their wealth to buy our elections, or states suppressing the vote by denying poor people or people of color the right to vote.

Elections must be about candidates making the best case to their constituents and letting the voters decide. Winning elections in a democratic society should not come down to suppressing the vote. And let's be clear: that is exactly what cowardly Republicans are doing right now.

It's time to make early voting an option for all voters across the country. And absentee ballots must be available to all Americans who request them — with no conditions that unnecessarily hinder voters from requesting and receiving those ballots.

It's time to end our corrupt campaign finance system that allows billionaires to buy candidates and elections. Our government is supposed to represent ALL of our people — not just a handful of powerful individuals and special interest groups.

And it's time to finally make Election Day a federal holiday to increase voters’ ability to participate.

If we are serious about calling ourselves a democracy, we must make it easier for people to vote — not harder. And if we are going to preserve the future of our democracy, Congress needs to take action NOW on voting rights. I hope you will add your name if you agree.

Sign my petition — tell the Senate to pass legislation to expand and protect voting rights, end the influence of big money in politics, and restrict partisan gerrymandering.

Thank you for signing my petition today to send a clear message to my colleagues that you want the Senate to take action on voting rights.

In solidarity,

Bernie Sanders your social media marketing partner
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