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Sanders writes: "At a time when we should be doing all that we can to make it easier to vote and to participate in the political process, Republican governors and legislatures are doing everything they can to make the exact opposite happen."

Bernie Sanders. (photo: Antonella Crescimbeni)
Bernie Sanders. (photo: Antonella Crescimbeni)

The Fight for Voting Rights Is a Fight for Justice

By Bernie Sanders, Bernie Sanders' Facebook Page

05 June 21


t a time when we should be doing all that we can to make it easier to vote and to participate in the political process, Republican governors and legislatures are doing everything they can to make the exact opposite happen. What we are seeing today is d�j� vu all over again. As a nation, we have seen this all before. The approach today may take a slightly different form, but the goal is exactly the same as it was before the passage of the Voting Rights Act. Political cowards are doing everything they can to keep people from voting. They are making it harder for people to register and to participate in the political process. This attempted curtailing of our electoral democracy should offend the very conscience of every American. The fight for voting rights is a fight for justice. It is inseparable from the struggle for democracy itself. your social media marketing partner
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