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"President Obama signed legislation on Tuesday that raises the nation's debt ceiling and cuts trillions of dollars in spending. Keith speaks with former Vice President and Current TV Chairman Al Gore about what's next for the country. Al Gore says it's time for an 'American Spring,' a non-violent movement to take back the country from the right wing."

Keith and Al Gore discuss the debt deal and a non-violent movement to reclaim our government, 08/03/11. (photo: Justin Stephens/Current TV)
Keith and Al Gore discuss the debt deal and a non-violent movement to reclaim our government, 08/03/11. (photo: Justin Stephens/Current TV)

"We Need a Non-Violent Tahrir Square"

By Keith Olbermann, Countdown With Keith Olbermann/Current TV

04 August 11


President Obama signed legislation on Tuesday that raises the nation's debt ceiling and cuts trillions of dollars in spending. Keith speaks with former Vice President and Current TV Chairman Al Gore about what's next for the country. Al Gore says it's time for an "American Spring," a non-violent movement to take back the country from the right wing.


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