Reich writes: "The wave of voting restrictions being pushed by GOP state legislatures across the country is the greatest assault on the right to vote since the end of Reconstruction."
Former Clinton labor secretary Robert Reich. (photo: Steve Russell/Toronto Star)
The GOP Is Waging the Greatest Assault on the Right to Vote Since the End of Reconstruction
13 March 21
he wave of voting restrictions being pushed by GOP state legislatures across the country is the greatest assault on the right to vote since the end of Reconstruction. No, that’s not an exaggeration — over 250 bills have been introduced in 43 states, targeting everything from mail-in voting to early voting hours to automatic voter registration.
Republicans pushing these bills claim they’re necessary to restore the public’s confidence in the electoral system. Baloney. The only reason Republican voters don’t trust our elections is because Trump and his enablers repeatedly pushed an avalanche of bogus claims about voter fraud and the narrative that the election was stolen — a big lie that culminated in the violence at the Capitol on January 6th. And Republicans in deep red states that Trump won handily — like Tennessee and Iowa — are still pushing these bills, even though Trump didn’t contest their results.
We’re teetering on the edge of another democratic crisis. Republican voters still overwhelmingly believe Trump’s lie about the election, and a right-wing, conspiracy-fueled fringe has gained a foothold in Congress. With the Senate and Electoral College already tipping the scale in Republicans’ favor, this new wave of voting restrictions would enable them to entrench themselves in minority rule for at least the next decade. Their cult of conspiracies and hate would dominate our democracy.
This is a four-alarm fire, folks. And the only way to stop it is for Senate Democrats to abolish the filibuster and pass the For the People Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Act. From the end of Reconstruction to the passage of the 1965 Civil Rights Act, the filibuster was used to kill *only* civil and voting rights bills. It’s only right that Democrats finally eliminate it in the face of another assault on voting rights, and prevent history from repeating. The stakes are too high. They must act.
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