Ash writes: "My house still stands, or should I say withstands. The top one-third of a redwood tree snapped off in a windstorm and landed on the roof of my house about 15 feet above where I was sleeping."
My happy home/office transformed to construction zone. Organic chicken eggs still in background. (photo: Marc Ash)
Update on My House
12 March 21
y house still stands, or should I say withstands. The top one-third of a redwood tree snapped off in a windstorm and landed on the roof of my house about 15 feet above where I was sleeping.
For those of you not familiar with redwood trees, they’re big, very big. In fact, on average the largest trees on earth. This one was about a 150-foot tree. Not an “old-growth, old-growth” redwood, but about a 150-year-old tree.

One thing it did was puncture the roof and break a sprinkler system water line in the attic crawl space. What had been a peaceful night with raindrops pitter-pattering on my window sill as I drifted off to sleep became a full-alert emergency literally in a heartbeat.
The sound of lumber and branches thundering down soon gave way to that of water pouring down from the ceiling and the ringing of a fire alarm. The local firefighters, bless their hearts, responded quickly.

While the fire department was on its way, I scrambled over fallen redwood branches to get to the partially blocked basement door and force it open. Once inside I found the water main and shut down the water flow, mitigating further damage.
Thank Yous!
First I would like to thank each and every one of you who have reached out with a donation or a kind word. It was a tremendous outpouring. I am grateful and humbled.

I would also like to give a big shout-out to RSN Managing Editor Angela Watters and the entire Reader Supported News team for not missing a story or even missing a beat. Terrific job, very reassuring.
Right now I still have water damage problems, plumbing problems, electrical problems, and a whole host of insurance (which I did have) and repair-related problems. So I can’t work my normal hours. I am building a new life behind a wall of plastic sheeting and cardboard boxes containing my former life. In about a week, I should be reasonably functional. Until then I’ll be faking it.

Thank you sincerely, one and all.
Marc Ash
Founder, Reader Supported News
Marc Ash is the founder and former Executive Director of Truthout, and is now founder and Editor of Reader Supported News.
Reader Supported News is the Publication of Origin for this work. Permission to republish is freely granted with credit and a link back to Reader Supported News.
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