Gilbert writes: "Not content with amplifying rhetoric that resulted in an insurrection on the Capitol last month, it looks like Sen. Ted Cruz decided to bail on Texas by flying with his family to a Mexican holiday resort during one of the biggest crises in his state's history."
Senator Ted Cruz speaks to the media at the Cancun International Airport before boarding his plane back to the U.S. (photo: Getty)
Ted Cruz Went to Cancún While Texas Freezes and Starves
18 February 21
Photos have been circulating online of the senator taking a flight with his family.
ot content with amplifying rhetoric that resulted in an insurrection on the Capitol last month, it looks like Sen. Ted Cruz decided to bail on Texas by flying with his family to a Mexican holiday resort during one of the biggest crises in his state’s history.
The senator’s trip has been confirmed by multiple news outlets.
Cruz’s departure was first noted on Wednesday, when he was pictured with this wife and daughter in Houston Bush Airport boarding a 4:44 p.m. United Airlines flight to Cancún.
Cruz was wearing the the same mask that he wore to President Joe Biden’s inauguration with the phrase “Come and Take” written on the side.
It appears in the middle of the worst energy crisis in the history of Texas, @tedcruz is on his way to Cancun with his family.
— Sawyer Hackett (@SawyerHackett) February 18, 2021
Cruz’s staff contacted Houston Police Department personnel and requested assistance when he arrived at the airport on Wednesday.
“A member of his staff reached out to our police personnel at the airport and said he was going to be arriving [at the airport] yesterday afternoon,” Jodi Silva, a Public Information Officer for the Houston Police Department, told VICE News on Thursday.
“I know nothing about a return or assistance on a return. I just know we monitored his movements and he requested assistance when there was a departure yesterday,” she added.
The timing of Cruz’s departure from his home state for a non-emergency vacation is mind boggling.
Millions of his constituents are without power and water across the Lone Star State following an unprecedented winter storm that hit in recent days. Now people are running out of food, too.
And as Cruz suns himself in Cancún, where the temperature is currently around a balmy 84 degrees, Texans are preparing for more snow and plummeting temperatures.
Unsurprisingly, Cruz’s flight to Cancún led to some strong reactions on social media:
My grandparents are without power & water. My mom, a restaurant worker, is out of work without pay. My high-risk brother is on multiple vaccination waitlists.
— Kolby Lee (@KolbyLee) February 18, 2021
My U.S. Senator is in Cancun. #ResignTedCruz
.@tedcruz, sounds a lot like the waves in Cancun, doesn’t it?
— Emily Porter, M.D. (@dremilyportermd) February 18, 2021
Don't worry, Texas. @tedcruz is on the case. No, wait. Not on the case. He packed his case and went to Cancun. It's warmer there.
— Whitney Goldstein (@WDGoldstein) February 18, 2021
That's how much that POS cares about you, Texas. It's how much he cares about America.@tedcruz is a selfish, uncaring seditionist.
My pregnant daughter is without electricity & water. The stores are without food because there's no delivery trucks. People are standing in lines in below freezing temperatures for hours trying to just get even a loaf of bread & he's going to Cancun??
— Christine (@kaytoalday) February 18, 2021
Many others pointed out that while Cruz was flying to Cancún, Beto O’Rourke, who lost out to Cruz in 2018’s Senate election, was organizing volunteers who spoke to over 150,000 people across Texas, giving them advice and getting them help.
We made over 151,000 calls to senior citizens in Texas tonight. One of our vols talked to a man stranded at home w/out power in Killeen, hadn’t eaten in 2 days, got him a ride to a warming center and a hot meal. Help us reach more people, join us tomorrow:
— Beto O'Rourke (@BetoORourke) February 18, 2021
Ted Cruz’s office did not respond to multiple requests for comment.
On Thursday morning, it appeared that rather than remain in Mexico, the senator had decided to return home. CNN reported that Cruz was booked on a flight back to Houston in the afternoon.
News crews were already at the airport, waiting to welcome him home.
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