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Moore writes: "Rashida, my friend. Fear not. We are a nation of millions who support you. Protect you. You are our voice."

Filmmaker Michael Moore. (photo: Sacha Lecca)
Filmmaker Michael Moore. (photo: Sacha Lecca)

Rashida, My Friend. We Are a Nation of Millions Who Support You

By Michael Moore, Michael Moore's Facebook Page

06 February 21


ashida, my friend.

Fear not.

We are a nation of millions who support you. Protect you. You are our voice.

The video of you below is heartbreaking. It crushed me. I ask everyone to watch it.

Let me assure you: The bigots, the killers, their days of holding any power will soon end. They know it. It’s why they can’t go peacefully. It’s why they flail, like the dying dinosaurs did, and they are in a rampage because they are doomed. White Power and plutocrats know these are their end times. We are now the Majority. You are the majority. Women are the majority and people of color will soon be the majority. They know this and they are angry. They act like they’re going to have to do the dishes. They are! They act like their kids will marry people of color. They will! And you’re grandmother back in Palestine—she too will be free from apartheid. The younger generation here all know this is wrong. It will be fixed.

I am so sorry you have had to live in fear of losing your life. You are beloved in Detroit and throughout Michigan. You are an inspiration to us all.

Much love.
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