Reich writes: "Every single person who helped spread Trump's Big Lie about the election, and especially those who worked to help him overturn the results, needs to be held accountable for attempting to subvert our democracy."
Former Clinton labor secretary Robert Reich. (photo: Steve Russell/Toronto Star)
Letting Them Off the Hook Will Send the Message That Presidents Can Get Away With Anything
26 January 21
he Justice Department's Inspector General will launch an investigation into whether any current or former department officials “engaged in an improper attempt” to use the Justice Department to overturn the results of the 2020 election. The announcement comes after a report detailing a plot to replace the acting Attorney General with Trump loyalist Jeffrey Clark, who would then wield the power of the department to force Georgia lawmakers to overturn the state’s presidential election results. The plan, hatched by Trump and Clark, did not come to fruition after senior Justice Department officials all threatened to resign if the acting Attorney General was replaced.
Good. Every single person who helped spread Trump’s Big Lie about the election, and especially those who worked to help him overturn the results, needs to be held accountable for attempting to subvert our democracy. Don’t listen to anyone who claims that investigating Trump and his enablers is pointless or politically unviable. Letting them off the hook would send the message that presidents and their friends can get away with anything — and the next wannabe despot will surely take advantage.
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