Moore writes: "In the past day, 3,700 Americans have died from COVID-19."
Michael Moore. (photo: The New York Times)
Why Are We Not Uprising? How Many More Deaths Will It Take?
01 January 21
n the past 24 hours, there have been 37 airliner crashes, each plane with over 100 people on board. 3,700 dead! Oh wait � sorry. CORRECTION: In the past day, 3,700 Americans have died from COVID-19. Because if 3,700 Americans had died in 37 plane crashes in just one day, all hell would break loose! Demands would be made! Action taken. Those responsible would be held accountable. The nation would be paralyzed in grief and their voices would be heard. Any president who would claim these crashes didn�t happen or that the 3,700 deaths were a hoax, he�d be dealt with, right? Now imagine 3,700 more crashes today with 3,800 dead, and then the same tomorrow, 4,000 dead and on and on, day after day, month after month. The uproar from the public, the immediate removal of the president � the country would not let this continue. Why are we not in an uprising? Why are we resigned to this as inevitable? How many more deaths will it take? Which plane is your loved one on today?
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