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Gore writes: "This weekend marks two anniversaries that, for me, point a way forward through the accumulated wreckage of the past year."

Al Gore. (photo: Kazutoshi Murata)
Al Gore. (photo: Kazutoshi Murata)

Where I Find Hope

By Al Gore, The New York Times

13 December 20

The Biden administration will have the opportunity to restore confidence in America and take on the worsening climate crisis.

his weekend marks two anniversaries that, for me, point a way forward through the accumulated wreckage of the past year.

The first is personal. Twenty years ago, I ended my presidential campaign after the Supreme Court abruptly decided the 2000 election. As the incumbent vice president, my duty then turned to presiding over the tallying of Electoral College votes in Congress to elect my opponent. This process will unfold again on Monday as the college’s electors ratify America’s choice of Joe Biden as the next president, ending a long and fraught campaign and reaffirming the continuity of our democracy.

The second anniversary is universal and hopeful. This weekend also marks the fifth anniversary of the adoption of the Paris Agreement. One of President Trump’s first orders of business nearly four years ago was to pull the United States out of the accord, signed by 194 other nations to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases threatening the planet. With Mr. Trump heading for the exit, President-elect Biden plans to rejoin the agreement on his Inauguration Day, Jan. 20.

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