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Wasserman writes: "America's 'Pro-Life' movement endlessly preaches its wish to 'protect the unborn' from the 'sin' of abortion. But Amy C. Barrett has just shown such tender mercies do not apply to Donald Trump's random slaughter of 'already born' federal prisoners."

Amy Coney Barrett. (photo: Samuel Corum/NYT)
Amy Coney Barrett. (photo: Samuel Corum/NYT)

In Cold Blood, "Pro-Life" Amy Barrett Helps Murder Brandon Bernard While Contemplating Roe v. Wade

By Harvey Wasserman, Reader Supported News

13 December 20


merica’s “pro-life” movement endlessly preaches its wish to “protect the unborn” from the “sin” of abortion.

But Amy C. Barrett has just shown that such tender mercies do not apply to Donald Trump’s random slaughter of “already born” federal prisoners.

Trump rushed Barrett onto the US Supreme Court expecting her to get him a second term. She’s failed him twice.

But she’s also expected to help kill Roe v. Wade, thus allowing states to ban all abortions.

Barrett’s fundamentalist supporters say that no matter what other religions believe, human life begins at conception. To save an “innocent child,” governments must invade women’s bodies to prevent them from terminating pregnancies.

Barrett is apparently primed to allow that. But she’s done nothing to prevent Trump’s deranged, escalating slaughter of adult federal prisoners.

Faced with eviction from the White House, Trump is on an unhinged killing spree. Ten federal prisoners are already dead. Five or more could be killed before the inauguration of Joe Biden, who publicly opposes the death penalty.

The criminal justice community has long believed that the death penalty serves no law enforcement function, and does not deter capital crime. In fact, murder rates are historically lower in states that do not have the death penalty.

Indeed, under certain circumstances, such as a murderer’s suicidal desires, the prospect of being killed by the state can make killings more likely. Timothy McVeigh, America’s worst mass murderer, chose the death penalty over life in prison.

After 17 years in which the federal government executed no prisoners, Trump’s unprecedented killing spree serves no apparent purpose beyond his own lethal madness.

The victims have (of course) been mostly of color. A Navajo citizen’s tribe asked that he be spared. Legal experts deemed another victim too mentally impaired to be legally executed. They were ignored.

Trump killed Brandon Bernard, 40, last Thursday for a crime committed when he was 18. The prosecutor and five convicting jurors asked that Bernard, the father of two daughters, be spared. Kim Kardashian pleaded directly to Trump.

Supreme Court justices Sotomayor, Breyer, and Kagan wanted evidence wrongfully hidden during Bernard’s trial two decades ago to be examined before execution. But “pro-life” Barrett stayed silent. Had she and one more Justice intervened, Trump could not have killed Bernard.

With his “conservative” attorney general William Barr managing the slaughter, Trump now plans to execute five or more federal prisoners as fast as he can – including one just five days before Biden’s inauguration.

Based on these multiple Trump killings, the “pro-life” Barrett’s actual views on the human soul become unclear.

Making abortion illegal – as overturning Roe v. Wade would allow states to do – does little to stop abortions.

It does cause the deaths of pregnant women with little money. But abortions have always been available – illegal or otherwise – to those with cash, and will continue to be if Roe v. Wade is voided, as Barrett may help happen.

In the real world, what draws down the number of unwanted pregnancies – and thus abortions – is sex education and contraception made easily available to young people. Of all the organizations that do that, by far the most effective over the past century has been Planned Parenthood.

Nothing seems to infuriate the pro-life movement more than Planned Parenthood and its cohorts successfully educating and empowering women while keeping abortion “safe and legal.”

But in fact, winning women’s legal rights and delivering access to health services and sex education do far more to drop the number of abortions than trying to ban the procedure.

So when it comes to Roe v. Wade, Justice Barrett must choose which is more important: making abortions illegal, or making sure there are fewer of them.

She might also ask how “pro-life” it is to let a vindictive psychopath randomly slaughter federal prisoners while denying women of multiple faiths the right to control their own bodies as they see fit.

Harvey Wasserman’s The People’s Spiral of US History is at He co-convenes the Grassroots Election Protection Zoom Mondays, 5-6:30 pm Eastern via

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