Sanders writes: "If you think you are living in unusual and unprecedented times, you're right. This is a moment in American history that kids will be studying in school for a very long time."
Sen. Bernie Sanders signs autographs at a February campaign event with Latino supporters in Santa Ana, California. (photo: Damian Dorvarganes/AP)
The Bad News ... and the Good News
23 June 20
f you think you are living in unusual and unprecedented times, you're right. This is a moment in American history that kids will be studying in school for a very long time.
We are living through a pandemic that has claimed the lives of 120,000 Americans. And, now, after cities and states have "reopened," the number of new cases is skyrocketing.
We are living through an economic meltdown where over 30 million workers have lost their jobs, and people across the country are struggling with hunger, evictions and unpayable debts.
We are living through a massive outpouring of rage against police brutality and murder and the systemic racism which has plagued this country since it's inception.
And, in the midst of all of that, we have a narcissistic and demagogic president who defies science in terms of the pandemic, ignores the pain of the unemployed and hungry and, instead of leading the effort to combat racism, is actively trying to encourage violence and divide us up.
That's the bad news.
Here's the good news:
We are actively and successfully fighting back.
As a result of mass demonstrations across the country, local, state and federal governments are beginning to move toward holding police officers accountable and rethinking the very nature of policing.
And, at the ballot box, there are a number of strong progressive candidates who are taking on the political establishment, running great campaigns and have an excellent chance of winning their Democratic primary and general elections.
Among the candidates whom we are supporting with upcoming elections — many of which are happening today — are:
Charles Booker for U.S. Senate in Kentucky, Jamaal Bowman (NY-16), Mondaire Jones (NY-17), Samelys López (NY-15), Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (NY-14), Arati Kreibich (NJ-05), Amy Padden in Judicial District 18, Colorado, Alonzo Payne in Judicial District 12, Colorado, Matt Toporowski in Albany County, New York, Mike Gianaris for New York State Senate, Julia Salazar for New York State Senate, Jessica Ramos for New York State Senate, Jabari Brisport for New York State Senate, Yuh-Line Niou for New York State Assembly, and Ron Kim for New York State Assembly.
Last but not least, in the midst of these tumultuous times, it is imperative that we maintain our bold vision for the America we want to see in the years to come, a vision that more and more Americans are embracing.
Yes. We can transform a rigged and corrupt political system and create a vibrant democracy based on one person, one vote.
Yes. We can create an economic system based on the principles of justice, not greed.
Yes. We can create a guaranteed federal jobs program and decent income for all American workers as we rebuild our crumbling infrastructure.
Yes. We can make public colleges and universities tuition free, cancel all student debt, and have high quality and universal childcare.
Yes. We can make health care a human right and not a jobs benefit, and pass a Medicare for All single-payer program.
Yes. We can create millions of good jobs by implementing a Green New Deal as we lead the world in combating climate change.
Yes. We can move toward a country which eliminates racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia and all forms of bigotry.
Yes. We can fight against all forms of gender discrimination and protect a woman's right to control her own body.
Yes. We can pass common sense gun safety legislation and end the epidemic of gun violence in our country.
And, yes! Listening to the American people, and responding to their needs, we can do much, much more.
In this difficult moment in American history, this is not the time for despair or retreat. Now is the time for courage. Let us go forward together.
In solidarity,
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