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Moore writes: "Did you know in the last 6 weeks, in various polls in the early primary/caucus states, Bernie has come in at #1 in New Hampshire, #1 in Nevada, #1 in Georgia (Bernie beats Trump by a greater margin than any Democrat!) and, in this week's CBS poll, Bernie's currently tied at #1 in Iowa! Bernie's also #1 NATIONWIDE in nearly every poll among Latinos and #1 with all young adults, 18-35 years old!"

Michael Moore. (photo: Getty)
Michael Moore. (photo: Getty)

Bernie Comes in at #1

By Michael Moore, Michael Moore's Facebook Page

21 November 19


id you know in the last 6 weeks, in various polls in the early primary/caucus states, Bernie has come in at #1 in New Hampshire, #1 in Nevada, #1 in Georgia (Bernie beats Trump by a greater margin than any Democrat!) and, in this week’s CBS poll, Bernie’s currently tied at #1 in Iowa! Bernie’s also #1 NATIONWIDE in nearly every poll among Latinos and #1 with all young adults, 18-35 years old! Also - he’s #1 with young black women (Essence Magazine poll). Have you heard any of this? What’s the point with the media not running this news? We have a great field of Democratic candidates, so why not just be fair? It’s as if the fact that Bernie Sanders is beloved by millions must not be shared with the general public. To whose ends does this serve? Stop it! No censorship! The more he gets blacked-out, the more his popularity grows. The public senses the powers-that-be don’t want him elected. Well, that’s the SUREST way of getting him elected! I know how this works from personal experience. Back in 2004, when Disney tried to block anyone from seeing my movie “Fahrenheit 9/11”, all that did was make everyone want to go see it — and THAT made it the largest-grossing documentary of all time! So, on second thought, my good friends in the media, keep ignoring Bernie! Do NOT run a story on how he set an AMERICAN record yesterday with the most individual donors in a Presidential campaign ever (over 4 million), has the most volunteers of any candidate, and according to the NY Times poll last week, is the only candidate who beats Trump head-to-head in all three states Trump won the electoral college with in 2016 — MICHIGAN, WISCONSIN and PENNSYLVANIA. Just forget I even wrote that! Bernie who?! Bwwaaaaaaa!! your social media marketing partner
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