
Moore writes: "This morning a FOX NEWS poll revealed that the majority of the American public (51%) not only wants you impeached, they want you REMOVED from office."

Michael Moore. (photo: Getty)
Michael Moore. (photo: Getty)

Dear Mr. Trump: According to Fox Poll, Majority of Americans Want You REMOVED From Office

By Michael Moore, Michael Moore's Facebook Page

10 October 19


ear Mr. Trump: This morning a FOX NEWS poll revealed that the majority of the American public (51%) not only wants you impeached, they want you REMOVED from office. I’ve posted this picture above of Nixon’s removal from office on August 9, 1974 at 11:35am. Please note that on the day you are removed from our office of President of the United States, you will get your own red carpet, your vice-president will already have been removed (in Nixon’s case, that’s the new VP escorting him out, a guy who once played football at the University of Michigan), they’ll let your wife leave with you and, just in case you have any thoughts of changing your mind and running back in to barricade yourself inside the White House as you await your “second amendment people,” there will be a number of our citizen-led military, all of them holding guns, to make sure there are no incidents as they lead you to your helicopter and stand guard for our country as you fly away for the last time. (Please print multiple copies this photo and place it on all of your mirrors.) #yourefired #marineone #iwouldlikeyoutodousafavorthough your social media marketing partner
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