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Reich writes: "This is appallingly corrupt, even by the standards of Trump and his enablers."

Former Clinton labor secretary Robert Reich. (photo: Steve Russell/Toronto Star)
Former Clinton labor secretary Robert Reich. (photo: Steve Russell/Toronto Star)

We Must Remove Trump and His Enablers From Office

By Robert Reich, Robert Reich's Facebook Page

03 August 19


his is appallingly corrupt, even by the standards of Trump and his enablers. Republican Senator Kevin Cramer of North Dakota held up a nominee to a key budget position in order to obtain information on government contracts for one of his campaign donors. For months, Cramer had been pushing for North Dakota-based Fisher Industries (a major campaign donor) to receive a federal contract to build Trump's border wall. And this week Cramer refused to vote on Trump's nominee until he had more information on the contracts from U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

The idea that a United States Senator would hold a nominee hostage in order to steer a federal contract to a campaign donor is the height of corruption. We must remove Trump and his enablers from office, and get money out of politics. Your thoughts?

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