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Ash writes: "The Trump White House and the US commercial media are following precisely the Bush White House formula for making war on a nation that is no threat and wants no conflict."

National Security Adviser John Bolton. (photo: Justine Lane/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock)
National Security Adviser John Bolton. (photo: Justine Lane/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock)

There Is No Threat From Iran

By Marc Ash, Reader Supported News

16 May 19


he Trump White House and the US commercial media are following precisely the Bush White House formula for making war on a nation that is no threat and wants no conflict.

“Tensions” are not mounting. The aggression and threat to peace are entirely of US origin. The provocation is US provocation, and it is intended to set the stage for a US military operation that is unwise, unnecessary, and will likely lead to a situation worse by orders of magnitude than the US war on Iraq that continues to this day, more than 16 years after the US started it.

Donald Trump, who as candidate Trump preached endlessly about the folly of “stupid wars,” now considers this ill-advised plan, ginned up for him by the notoriously unhinged crackpot masquerading as National Security Advisor John Bolton, to divert attention away from his own personal quagmire at home.

Would Donald Trump drag the US into a catastrophic conflict in the Middle East to boost his approval ratings to a level that could give him a chance of winning reelection?

If he needs it to save himself from financial, political, and legal ruin, the odds are he will do what he thinks he needs to do to protect his interests. It has always been his pattern to do so.

Effectively, this proposed war with Iran allows Trump to hold all of his domestic political enemies at bay. The mere threat of being dragged into a conflict so destructive to US interests and national security is enough to, in effect, hold every member of Congress hostage to his demands.

There is no provocation from Iran. There is no threat. The nuclear agreement signed by the US and ignored by Donald Trump and his camp has worked as intended. Any discussion of war is completely irresponsible and invites disaster.

This is a madman. Any members of Congress who do not do everything in their power to remove Trump from office are abdicating their duty to the Constitution and opening the door to the devastating consequences that will surely follow.

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Marc Ash is the founder and former Executive Director of Truthout, and is now founder and Editor of Reader Supported News.

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