Wasserman writes: "Treasonous 'October Surprises' gave Republicans the presidency in 1968 and 1980. A staged 1933 Reichstag fire gave Hitler his dictatorship. This year's likeliest pretext for a Trump coup could be that 'terror caravan' to the south."
The caravan of migrants moving north after crossing the border from Honduras into Guatemala. (photo: John Moore/Getty Images)
As Trump Sends Troops to the Southern Border, the Caravan Coup May Become His "October Surprise" and Reichstag Fire
27 October 18
reasonous “October Surprises” gave Republicans the presidency in 1968 and 1980. A staged 1933 Reichstag fire gave Hitler his dictatorship.
This year’s likeliest pretext for a Trump coup could be that “terror caravan” to the south. Through Defense Secretary James Mattis he has just authorized troops to the southern border. No doubt the fireworks—and possible killings—will conveniently escalate as the election gets closer.
Yet another mass shooting (now at a synagogue), mail bombs, silenced media, rapist judges, dead and dissected journalists, more threats to “lock up” liberals, internet chaos, stripped voter rolls, and flipped vote counts comprise this year's goose-step chorus.
The corporate media spread the “Red Shift” Big Lie while a last-minute tsunami of Koch/Adelman/Bezos-funded attack ads spew blatant racism and fascist hate.
The deal is to be sealed with an intimidated electorate, stripped voting rights, and flipped ballot tallies.
That march through Mexico may be the perfect October “crisis” to trigger the coup.
In 1980, Reagan treasonously took power by making sure US hostages stayed in Iran. In 1968, Nixon treasonously sabotaged the peace that did not come to Vietnam. In 1933, Hitler burned the Reichstag.
Now we face destruction of our basic rights and the planet itself – along with Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and so much more.
Green/progressive activists are pouring in their small donations, registering to vote, preparing to work the polls, defending registration rolls, demanding fair vote counts and much more.
Hundreds of excellent candidates running as Democrats are waging solid, progressive campaigns. Those inevitably shafted by stripped voter rolls and flipped vote counts must REFUSE TO CONCEDE until every last ballot – provisional or otherwise – is accounted for.
Trumpist hackers (Russian and otherwise) spread chaos. Democracy and Truth are the primary targets. It’s all right out of the Hitler/Rove playbook.
As the pipe bombs fly, Trump is set to open fire at the southern border, filling his concentration camps with innocent kids, spewing the same race-hating nationalism that’s paved the way for so many fascists before him.
This October, it’s no surprise, just business as usual for the latest dictatorial thug.
Harvey “Sluggo” Wasserman’s prn.fm podcast is Green Power & Wellness. His California Solartopia broadcasts at KFPK-Pacifica 90.7FM Los Angeles. The Life & Death Spiral of US History: From Deganawidah to Trumpocalypse to Rebirth will soon join Solartopia! Our Green-Powered Earth at www.solartopia.org.
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