
Ash writes: "This is it, the chance of a lifetime to propel the Supreme Court radically to the right for decades to come."

President Donald Trump greets Judge Brett Kavanaugh at the White House.  (photo: Evan Vucci/AP)
President Donald Trump greets Judge Brett Kavanaugh at the White House. (photo: Evan Vucci/AP)

Damn the Torpedoes, the Republicans Go for Broke on Kavanaugh

By Marc Ash, Reader Supported News

20 September 18


his is it, the chance of a lifetime to propel the Supreme Court radically to the right for decades to come. There really isn’t enough time to scrap the nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh and hope to get another nominee through the confirmation process in time for a full Senate vote before the midterm elections on November 6th, and afterwards anything is possible. If the Democrats flip the Senate, Merrick Garland could be back on the table. It’s wide open. For the Republicans, the Kavanaugh nomination is the ballgame. They know it. They’re going for broke and they’re blowing through a lot of flashing red lights to do it.

The Republicans don’t care what the truth is regarding Dr. Ford’s allegations of sexual assault. They don’t care if she testifies at their hearing. Either way, their objective will be to discredit her and keep the Kavanaugh confirmation process on-track no matter what the cost.

When Senator Orin Hatch offers as a rationale for Dr. Ford coming forward that she may be “mixed up,” he is engaging in classic, textbook gaslighting. Wikipedia defines gaslighting this way:

Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation that seeks to sow seeds of doubt in a targeted individual or in members of a targeted group, making them question their own memory, perception, and sanity. Using persistent denial, misdirection, contradiction, and lying, it attempts to destabilize the victim and delegitimize the victim’s belief. Instances may range from the denial by an abuser that previous abusive incidents ever occurred up to the staging of bizarre events by the abuser with the intention of disorienting the victim.

Given the horror show that was the hearing afforded Professor Anita Hill in the Senate, Dr. Ford’s reluctance to go charging off down the same path is perfectly understandable. But Ford’s revelations and the subsequent controversy are only the most recent blow to what had from its inception been a very rocky confirmation process for Kavanaugh.

Senate Democrats have found Kavanaugh an easy target. He has perjury problems, conflict of interest problems, Memogate problems and problems with 75% of American women on the issue of abortion, including senators Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski. The perjury problems are so bad that even if the Republicans do manage to push him over the goal line, he may not be beyond the long arm of the law, even as a member of the Supreme Court.

In recent decades, the Republicans have become notorious for barricading themselves behind a seemingly endless succession of short-term solutions intended to keep alive an agenda that in truth is only supported by 1% of Americans.

The Kavanaugh nomination is the ultimate Hail Mary pass; it’s in the air, and there’s no time left on the clock. This may be difficult for the Republicans wrap their heads around, but it’s probably better for them, better for the Republican Party, and better for the country if this pass hits the ground. 

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Marc Ash is the founder and former Executive Director of Truthout, and is now founder and Editor of Reader Supported News.

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