
Reich writes: "The Democrat's consistent failure do or offer any credible alternative - including Bill Clinton's and Dick Morris's New Democrat 'triangulation' between left and right, Obama's bailout of the big banks, and Hillary Clinton's small-bore policy proposals in the last election - allowed Trump's racism and xenophobia to fill the void."

Former Clinton labor secretary Robert Reich. (photo: Steve Russell/Toronto Star)
Former Clinton labor secretary Robert Reich. (photo: Steve Russell/Toronto Star)

A Message to Democrats: If You Want to Defeat Trumpism, Offer Big Ideas

By Robert Reich, Robert Reich's Facebook Page

25 April 18


ver since Trump’s election, 2 competing explanations have been offered – was it due to the economic anxieties of the (mostly) white working class, or their fears of losing status relative to (mostly) blacks and immigrants?

This is a bogus debate. The fact is, stagnant and declining wages for over 3 decades, coupled with the takeover of American politics by big money, made the white working class receptive to Trump’s racism and xenophobia.

Moreover, the Democrats' consistent failure to offer any credible alternative - including Bill Clinton's and Dick Morris's New Democrat 'triangulation' between left and right, Obama's bailout of the big banks, and Hillary Clinton's small-bore policy proposals in the last election - allowed Trump's racism and xenophobia to fill the void.

Message to Democrats: If you want to defeat Trumpism, offer some large, credible big ideas for how to reverse widening inequality and the rigging of America by big money.

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