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Moore writes: "I got up early 'cause I know you're already up and watching 'FOX and Friends' (how do they look so fresh and alive this time of the morning?!). I know you and I have had our differences, but I want to talk to you this morning, if not as friends, then as fellow Americans who oppose any abuse of our great constitution."

Filmmaker Michael Moore. (photo: Rolling Stone)
Filmmaker Michael Moore. (photo: Rolling Stone)

Dear President Trump, YOU MUST FIRE MUELLER NOW!

By Michael Moore, Michael Moore's Facebook Page

10 April 18


ear President Trump:

I got up early 'cause I know you're already up and watching "FOX and Friends" (how do they look so fresh and alive this time of the morning?!). I know you and I have had our differences, but I want to talk to you this morning, if not as friends, then as fellow Americans who oppose any abuse of our great constitution.

Mr. President, it's now been nearly 24 hours since the renegade prosecutor Robert Mueller illegally raided the offices of your PERSONAL lawyer, Michael Cohen -- the PERSONAL LAWYER of the President of the United States, the Commander-in-Chief, the Leader of the Free World! -- and you have just sat by and done nothing. Nothing! I can't believe it. I am sitting here in stunned disbelief that you are letting them get away with this!

Look, sir, you and I don't agree on much. But on this one issue, we must see eye to eye: No federal law enforcement officer has the right to barge in and steal privileged documents from your own lawyer! In America we consider few things as sacred and sacrosanct as the lawyer-client privilege and relationship. Do you realize that NO American president has EVER been subjected to such a search? NEVER! YOU are the first to whom this has happened -- and THEY think they can get away with it! YOU MUST NOT LET THIS HAPPEN!

Why are you sitting silent, eating your Egg McMuffin in front of the TV right now and just TAKING this? YOU MUST FIRE MUELLER NOW! Pick up the phone, call Jeff Sessions, and tell that little gnome of a weasel to fire this loose cannon lawbreaker right now. And after Sessions fires Mueller, please fire Sessions and his assistant, Rod Rosenstein, neither of whom have served you well. You have the power, you have the authority, they work for you and I can't believe you're going to just let them show up to work this morning and walk into the JustIce Department building as if they're in charge and not YOU! Madness! Stop being a wuss and clean house! Pick up the phone to downstairs and tell Stephen Miller to eliminate the whole rotten lot of them!

If they had suspected that Michael Cohen was a Russian agent, or was in the act of committing a crime -- ok, I get it, they would have had to do their job. But to break in to to the PRESIDENT’S lawyer's office over a check he wrote to a beloved porn star who was just a friend of yours -- I'm sorry, that's a bridge too far! The American people will not stand for this!

Time to grow a pair, Mr. President. BE A MAN! Fire Mueller, Sessions, Rosenstein in the next half-hour! It will feel good! It must be done! OFF WITH THEIR HEADS! LEAD!!! ACT!! NOW!!

Yours for America,
Michael Moore your social media marketing partner
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