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Reich writes: "Folks, Republicans are running scared. With Trump's approval ratings in the cellar, a trade war with China on the horizon, and the Mueller investigation ongoing, party leaders are turning to scare tactics to cling to power. Don't let them get away with it."

Robert Reich. (photo: Getty)
Robert Reich. (photo: Getty)

Progressives Win Another Special Election

By Robert Reich, Robert Reich's Facebook Page

06 April 18


nother progressive victory months out from the midterms. Last night, Rebecca Dallet won a seat on the Wisconsin Supreme Court by 12 percentage points over conservative Michael Screnock, who was backed by the state's GOP establishment.

In response to the upset, Republican governor Scott Walker, who is up for reelection this fall, took to Twitter to warn of an impeding "Blue Wave:" "Big government special interests flooded Wisconsin with distorted facts & misinformation. Next, they'll target me and work to undo our bold reforms."

Folks, Republicans are running scared. With Trump's approval ratings in the cellar, a trade war with China on the horizon, and the Mueller investigation ongoing, party leaders are turning to scare tactics to cling to power. Don't let them get away with it. Organize, mobilize, and vote! What do you think? your social media marketing partner
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