Reich writes: "Jill Stein is doing America a service. Just 90 minutes before Wisconsin's 5 pm deadline today for filing with the state's Election Commission, she filed her petition for an election recount in Wisconsin."
Robert Reich. (photo: unknown)
26 November 16
ill Stein is doing America a service. Just 90 minutes before Wisconsin�s 5 pm deadline today for filing with the state�s Election Commission, she filed her petition for an election recount in Wisconsin. She has standing to seek such a recount because she was on the ballot in Wisconsin, and has raised over $5 million so far to pay for it. She also promises to seek recounts in Pennsylvania and Michigan. If the recounts show Hillary Clinton won these three states, Clinton will have secured enough electoral votes to win the election. (Electors officially submit their ballots December 19.)
As I noted yesterday, a group of data experts and election lawyers have urged such a recount in these three states on suspicion that a cyber-attack could have manipulated the results of the election � noting anomalies suggesting that Clinton did more poorly in Wisconsin counties that used voting machines, as opposed to those that relied on paper ballots. (It�s no small irony that if all Stein votes in Wisconsin had gone to Clinton, Clinton would have won the state even without a recount.)
If Stein�s campaign wishes to file recount petitions in the other states as promised, she must do so by Monday to meet Pennsylvania�s deadline, and Wednesday to meet the Nov. 30 deadline in Michigan.
I think we owe Jill Stein our thanks (and our donations to get this recount done as well).
What do you think?