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Reich writes: "Asked in a CBS This Morning interview why he hasn't yet endorsed Clinton, Bernie Sanders replied,'Because I haven't heard her say the things I need to hear said.'"

Former Clinton labor secretary Robert Reich. (photo: Steve Russell/Toronto Star)
Former Clinton labor secretary Robert Reich. (photo: Steve Russell/Toronto Star)

Hillary's Lack of a Progressive Vision Leaves the Door Open for Trump

By Robert Reich, Robert Reich's Facebook Page

25 June 16


sked in a CBS This Morning interview why he hasn't yet endorsed Clinton, Bernie Sanders replied, "Because I haven't heard her say the things I need to hear said."

I don’t think Bernie will hear what he “needs to hear” because the Clinton campaign assumes he’ll endorse her anyway. With Trump imploding, Hillary has no interest in accommodating Bernie beyond the concessions she already made in the primary. On Wednesday, she gave what was billed as a “major” economic speech, but it was little more than a rehash of her previous policy positions, emphasizing her competence and experience. As the Times put it, “the speech framed her place in the race as being the candidate who understands the populist discontent but will react to it with practicality.”

It seems like a cautious strategy but I think it’s a dangerous one for Hillary. After all, Trump could bounce back and her support could begin to erode. If she campaigns only on the fact she’s experienced and competent – and not Donald Trump – the public doesn’t know what she stands for, which allows Republicans to paint her any way they wish.

She needs a bold vision and a big idea proportional to the scale of the large economic problems most Americans face.

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