
Ash writes: "Act One: Michael Bloomberg seated in a large costly-looking chair. Hillary Clinton sitting before him in a slightly smaller and lower but still expensive-looking chair. Michael Bloomberg speaks as the play begins."

Michael Bloomberg, Wall Street magnate and former mayor of New York. (photo: Spencer Platt/Getty)
Michael Bloomberg, Wall Street magnate and former mayor of New York.(photo: Spencer Platt/Getty)

The Oligarch Awakens: Act I

By Marc Ash, Reader Supported News

28 January 16


A stage play script, inspired by real events

Michael Bloomberg, played by someone like Michael Douglas; Hillary Clinton, played by maybe Glenn Close

An office in a glass tower somewhere in downtown New York City

Posh office, dimly lit, illuminated by the glowing city and a few flickering lights from the office equipment

Act One:

Michael Bloomberg seated in a large costly-looking chair. Hillary Clinton sitting before him in a slightly smaller and lower but still expensive-looking chair. Michael Bloomberg speaks as the play begins.

[MB] Hillary.

[HC] Yes Michael.

[MB] I want you know that I am upset.

[HC] Well you shouldn’t be because …

[MB] Well I am. You were supposed to make short work of the campaign. The polls over a year ago had you ahead by the largest margin imaginable. They said you had more momentum than anyone they could remember at that stage. Now look.

[HC] It’s really not as bad as it seems. It’s not like that silly Socialist from Vermont is really going to beat me for the nomination.

[MB] You were chosen for a reason. “We back you, you pacify the Democratic base with trivial banter about progress and change.” That was the deal. How are you going to pacify anyone if you can’t even win the bloody Democratic nomination?

[HC] Michael I really think you’re overreacting. I assure you the very generous speaking fees that you and your associates paid me were wise investments. Bill and I have things well in hand. Everything is going as planned.

[MB] Do you understand how the world is supposed to function, the importance of what we do? We lead the world. Yes, from these glass towers, this tiny island of Manhattan, we provide the leadership upon which the entire world depends.

[HC] I share your vision, Michael. I think I’ve proven that. Certainly in Libya and in my handling of Putin while I was secretary of state. Look how well things are functioning around the world now.

[MB] True, you did uphold our values admirably. I have no doubt that you are a team player.

[HC] There’s really no need for you to jump into the race. These stories about you drawing up plans for a presidential run have everyone down at the DNC really nervous.

[MB] They should be nervous. Those sniveling twits. There isn’t a single one of them down there that has enough backbone to stand up straight.

[HC] But Michael you really worried them when you said that you would launch a third-party bid if I did not win the nomination. That could open the door for Donald Trump.

[MB] Well, at least Donald understands the value of money, as I do.

[HC] But you make it sound as though you have more to fear to from Bernie Sanders than The Donald.

[MB] Of course I do. Bernie Sanders threatens capitalism itself. The entire wealth-based command and control structure by which we export our values and products to the world. If you can’t control the Oval Office and protect our system, I will absolutely do it myself. I’ll stop Bernie Sanders myself if I have to.

[HC] You won’t have to. Sanders will not win the nomination. I will. You’ll see, everything will be fine.

[MB] Get it done.

End Act One

Marc Ash is the founder and former Executive Director of Truthout, and is now founder and Editor of Reader Supported News.

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