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Hsieh writes: "As Michael Sam becomes a household name and Mizzou's football team basks in the glow of positive press, let's not forget the other reason the university has been making headlines in recent weeks."

The quad at the University of Missouri. (photo: University of Missouri)
The quad at the University of Missouri. (photo: University of Missouri)

While We Celebrate Michael Sam, Don't Forget Sasha Menu Courey

By Steven Hsieh, The Nation

12 February 14


his week, on ESPN's Outside the Lines, Missouri defensive end Michael Sam came out of the closet, setting himself up to become the first openly gay player in NFL history.

We're still celebrating today, and we should. Sam is a hero. "Owning his truth" on Sunday meant risking an all but assured third- to fifth-round position in the upcoming draft. While not everyone welcomed the news, the outpouring of support from fellow players, fans and the media signaled the football community's growing tolerance.

But we can't lose perspective. As Michael Sam becomes a household name and Mizzou's football team basks in the glow of positive press, let's not forget the other reason the university has been making headlines in recent weeks. (Full disclosure: I did my undergrad at Mizzou.)

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