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Toobin writes: "The United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit just chastised Shira Scheindlin, the trial judge in the case challenging the constitutionality of the N.Y.P.D.'s stop-and-frisk policy, for speaking out about the issue while the trial was going on."

United States District Court Judge Shira Scheindlin. (illustration: Elizabeth Williams/AP)
United States District Court Judge Shira Scheindlin. (illustration: Elizabeth Williams/AP)

The Preposterous Removal of Judge Scheindlin

By Jeffrey Toobin, The New Yorker

01 November 13


he United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit just chastised Shira Scheindlin, the trial judge in the case challenging the constitutionality of the N.Y.P.D.'s stop-and-frisk policy, for speaking out about the issue while the trial was going on. In a ruling today, the appeals court said Scheindlin's statements suggested that her "impartiality might reasonably be questioned." As a result, all further proceedings in the case, in which Scheindlin found that that city residents' rights had been violated, will be transferred to another trial judge. The appeals court, in a footnote, in particular cited Scheindlin's statements to me in a piece for The New Yorker, as well as to the AP and the New York Law Journal. (I have some familiarity with this sort of thing. )

This is preposterous. The Second Circuit took this action on its own, without even a request from the city (the defendant in the case). Apparently, it took the view that there had been such an egregious violation of the rules of judicial conduct that the court had to act on its own—sua sponte, as the lawyers say. It also stayed Scheindlin's rulings aimed at reforming stop-and-frisk.

Scheindlin did nothing wrong. She talked about her judicial career and her history on the bench in a way that illuminated the work that all judges do. In my experience, it's a common complaint from judges that the public doesn't understand their work, and doesn't care about what they do. Scheindlin's conduct in this case exemplified the independent tradition of the judiciary. She should be honored for it, not scolded.

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