Pierce writes: "For a time, it seemed, the Republicans in the Senate seemed bound and determined to attach approval of the pipeline to every bit of Senate business except the morning invocation. Now, though, it appears that some of the project's proponents have been softening a bit on that strategy."
Earlier this week, Trans Canada brought out its new proposed pipeline route to show the citizens of Nebraska. (photo: Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Blog)
The Politics of the Pipeline
18 May 12
ince the blog left Nebraska, there have been some interesting politics swirling around our old friend, the Keystone XL pipeline. For a time, it seemed, the Republicans in the Senate seemed bound and determined to attach approval of the pipeline to every bit of Senate business except the morning invocation. Now, though, it appears that some of the project's proponents have been softening a bit on that strategy. Most notably. Senator John Thune of South Dakota and Kay Bailey (Yeah, I lost an election to Rick Perry, what's it to ya?) Hutchinson seemed disinclined to hang the pipeline on a transportation infrastructure bill. Now, doubtless, this has something to do with the fact that even Republican members of Congress realize that a lot of our highways are crumbling and a lot of our bridges are perilously close to falling into rivers and the like. However, and call me cynical, but I'm thinking that more than a few of them would rather hold off on the project so they'll have something to heckle the president about on the campaign trail:
"If it doesn't, obviously it is going to be an opportunity for Republicans to make the argument that the Democrats are not serious about, and the president is not serious about, an all-of-the-above energy strategy," (Thune) added.
Imagine that.
(As always, it's necessary to point out that the pipeline will carry the most poisonous fossil fuel in the history of man right down through the center of our country, through rich farmlands and the Oglalla aquifer, to refineries in Texas, whereupon it will be refined and sold on the open market to anybody who wants to buy it. Energy independence, my eye. Lower gas prices, my other eye.)
Meanwhile, since we left, at the beginning of this week, Trans Canada brought out its new proposed pipeline route to show the folks in Nebraska. It was not a hit:
"No matter what they say, this is still the Sand Hills. It's delicate ground," said Laura Meusch, whose ranch is on the south side of the Niobrara River, 18 miles north of Stuart. She fought back tears after viewing the aerial maps that confirmed that the new route for the 36-inch, high-pressure crude-oil pipeline will cross about 2 miles of her hay and pasture ground. "This is hurting awful bad," Meusch said.
Imagine that, too.
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