
Potter writes: "The president and congressional leaders will have to anticipate the special interests' coming PR and lobbying campaigns and be ready."

President Obama signs a new piece of tax legislation, 12/17/10. (photo: Saul Loeb/AFP/Getty Images)
President Obama signs a new piece of tax legislation, 12/17/10. (photo: Saul Loeb/AFP/Getty Images)

Beyond Obamacare

By Wendell Potter, Moyers & Company

14 November 12


he re-election of President Obama and, just as important, the Democrats' retention of control of the Senate, means not only that health care reform can and will go forward, but that the groundwork can be laid to move beyond the Affordable Care Act. Had the Democrats lost, the insurance industry and other special interests that profit from our dysfunctional and inequitable health care system would have been back in the driver's seat, and they would have slammed on the brakes and shifted the car into reverse to go back to the (for them) good old days that led to the U.S. having the most costly system in the world while 50 million of its people were  uninsured.

The president's re-election does not mean, however, that Obamacare will necessarily be implemented as Congress intended. Those special interests will now redouble their efforts to try to scare Americans into believing that the provisions of the law that might affect their profits will result in higher premiums. Expect to hear from insurance companies, for example, that Congress will have to allow them to continue their practices of discriminating against people because of their age. If not, coverage will become unaffordable for young families. Take it from me, they are very skillful at making us worry.

The president and congressional leaders will have to anticipate the special interests' coming PR and lobbying campaigns and be ready with effective campaigns of their own to ensure that reform goes forward, not backward. your social media marketing partner
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