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Excerpt: "Blockadia Rising documents the campaign of direct action against the Keystone XL pipeline."

Keystone XL Protest. (illustration: iStock)
Keystone XL Protest. (illustration: iStock)

Blockadia Rising: A Look Inside the Climate Justice Movement

By Yes! Magazine

17 June 13


Blockadia Rising documents the campaign of direct action against the Keystone XL pipeline.

he Keystone XL Pipeline has been called the "fuse to the biggest carbon bomb on the planet" and would encourage the extraction of Canada's tar sands. Meanwhile, the resistance to the project has become so complex, energetic, and diverse that it qualifies as a movement in itself.

Those who want to know more about that movement will be happy to learn about filmmaker Garrett Graham's documentary, Blockadia Rising, which provides a unique window into the Tar Sands Blockade.

The film details the story of how landowners and environmental activists tried to challenge Keystone's builders in court, but to no avail. In response, they take to the ground with a wide array of direct action techniques, in an attempt to physically thwart attempts at clearing land. The film shows them sitting in trees, locking themselves to equipment, and standing in front of bulldozers. Many have been arrested for their efforts.

One of the best things about this film is that it depicts the intimate moments missing from newsier coverage of the Tar Sands Blockade. In one scene, we see an older woman apologizing to a young man for allowing environmental destruction to take place throughout their lives.

"You're not responsible," the young man responds.

"We're all responsible," the woman says, and the two of them share a hug.

Moments like this humanize the struggle against fossil fuels extraction, and provide a look at the emotional demands that go along with direct action. your social media marketing partner
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