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Weiner reports: "As the Trayvon Martin controversy splinters into a debate about self-defense, a central question remains: Who was heard crying for help on a 911 call in the moments before the teen was shot?"

Experts now say the screams heard on 911 audio tapes were not George Zimmerman's. (photo: WXIA-TV)
Experts now say the screams heard on 911 audio tapes were not George Zimmerman's. (photo: WXIA-TV)

Experts: Screams on 911 Audio Not Zimmerman's

By Jeff Weiner, Orlando Sentinel

02 April 12


s the Trayvon Martin controversy splinters into a debate about self-defense, a central question remains: Who was heard crying for help on a 911 call in the moments before the teen was shot?

A leading expert in the field of forensic voice identification sought to answer that question by analyzing the recordings for the Orlando Sentinel. your social media marketing partner
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