
Stevenson writes: "China and its allies are using threats and pressure to get business to back Beijing's increasingly hard-line stance toward Hong Kong, leading companies to muzzle or intimidate workers who speak out in protest."

A pro-democracy protest in Hong Kong in December. (photo: Lam Yik Fei/NYT)
A pro-democracy protest in Hong Kong in December. (photo: Lam Yik Fei/NYT)

In Hong Kong, China Threatens Businesses and Workers

By Alexandra Stevenson, The New York Times

31 May 20


hina and its allies are using threats and pressure to get business to back Beijing’s increasingly hard-line stance toward Hong Kong, leading companies to muzzle or intimidate workers who speak out in protest.

Leung Chun-ying, Hong Kong’s former top leader, on Friday called for a boycott of HSBC, the London bank, because it had not publicly backed Beijing’s push to enact a new national security law covering the territory. “Neither China nor Hong Kong owes HSBC anything,” he wrote in a Facebook post. “HSBC’s businesses in China can be replaced overnight by banks from China and from other countries.”

Days earlier, a union representing financial workers filed complaints with Hong Kong financial regulators alleging that two Chinese banks had pressured their employees to sign a petition supporting the law. “Such behavior by a supervisor to compel employees to take political sides could be considered abusive,” the union wrote in letters to local officials.

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