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Budryk writes: "Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) on Wednesday blasted reports that two members of the Democratic National Convention's rules committee were also working for former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg's presidential campaign."

Rep. Rashida Tlaib. (photo: Getty)
Rep. Rashida Tlaib. (photo: Getty)

Rashida Tlaib: DNC Rules Committee Members Working on Bloomberg Campaign Is a 'Conflict of Interest'

By Zack Budryk, The Hill

06 February 20


ep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) on Wednesday blasted reports that two members of the Democratic National Convention’s rules committee were also working for former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s presidential campaign.

“In law school, they called this a conflict of interest,” Tlaib tweeted.

Tlaib – who has endorsed Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and served as a campaign surrogate for him – linked to a Sludge article noting that last weekend, DNC Chair Tom Perez nominated Alexandra Rooker, a vice chair for the California Democratic Party, to serve as vice chair of the convention's Rules Committee a month after she was hired as an adviser to the Bloomberg campaign.

The other, former Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter, is a member of the DNC’s Standing Rules and Bylaws Committee, and joined the Bloomberg campaign in December as national political chair.

The DNC recently eliminated a fundraising requirement to qualify for this month's debate in Las Vegas, potentially paving the way for Bloomberg to make the stage for the first time.

A number of 2020 Democrats, including Sanders, came out swinging against the DNC after it announced the change, saying that it gives an unfair advantage to Bloomberg.

The Hill has reached out to the Democratic National Committee for comment. your social media marketing partner
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