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Ash writes: "The issue is media access, or the lack thereof. But it's broader than that. It's about your right to know."

Pfc. Bradley Manning stands before a court-martial at Fort Meade, Maryland. (art: Kay Rudin/RSN)
Pfc. Bradley Manning stands before a court-martial at Fort Meade, Maryland. (art: Kay Rudin/RSN)

RSN Files Lawsuit in Manning Court-Martial

By Marc Ash, Reader Supported News

15 July 13


RSN Special Coverage: Trial of Bradley Manning

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e have filed our lawsuit in the Manning court-martial affair. Below you will find a copy of the suit as prepared by RSN counsel Bill Simpich.

The issue is media access, or the lack thereof. But it's broader than that. It's about your right to know. It's about the role of a free press in our democracy. And yes, it's about the well-being of a courageous young man that stood up and showed us what we are forbidden to see, and have every right to know.

We do not believe that this legal action will be simple or easy but we are morally certain that we must do it.

Give this a good read if you will.

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